Tracydpips Member


  • Hello 🙋‍♀️
  • Hi I have been mooching around for some time getting nowhere fast. I have lost 43lbs with ww a couple of years ago and managed (up and down) to more or less keep it off. I so want to lose the rest of my extra weight but seem to struggle, either being very good or very bad. Here's the pouring my heart bit out. I am good at…
  • I do a real mix...Zumba, step, yoga, body balance, LBT, gym cardio and weights, body pump...I work shifts so have to work it around that, I enjoy them all when I am there but sometimes have to drag myself!
  • Good morning and what a lovely morning it skies and sun, spring is in the air. My name is Tracy and have dieted forever, I have lost 5 st previously with ww, then after a divorce and children flying the nest I have put back on about 20lbs. My aim is to get rid of the 20lbs and a little more (I hope). I have the 3…
  • Thanks ladies, I am a successful dieter but when I am bad it's like self destruct!!! Have been very successful following weight watchers in the past but I just don't want to do that so going to calorie count, am a member of a gym but been really lazy the last couple of weeks. Yoga this morning though before work…