

  • Sometimes if I see a super cute (cheap) bra that fits in the cups but not in the band, I can splurge to get the band professionally altered. Now this probably isn't the best long-term, but until you reach your goals it might help supplement :)
  • They're not "bars" but they taste pretty great! Not sure of all the ingredients you are trying to avoid, but this website is an advocate for real food. Hope they work for you!
  • Hi! If you're concerned about the health risks involved with meat, perhaps try getting grass fed beef or eating locally raised meat where you can actually go see the conditions. I will say if you do choose to add meat and dairy back into your diet, it is best to do so slowly! My friend recently switched from the vegan…
  • Well I would say the most emotionally scarring incidents were in 7th grade. This guy called me fat every day for two years. Even when we didn't have class together he would find me in the hallway just to say something like "You should join weight watchers" "Look its the fat whale" Etc. Ironically none of the teachers or…
  • What helped me the most was looking at my calorie intake like a checkbook; it all has to balance out. For example, I Know that I am going out later in the day, I eat smaller, lighter meals during the day. However, I always eat breakfast to avoid over-eating later in the day.
  • Also, you need to stop judging her. It is not your life and you most likely don't know everything that is going on in her's. Since my family got out of my weight business, I have lost 15 pounds.
  • I understand where you're coming from. However, whenever my family members made a comment about my weight, it just made me want to eat more. It will only hurt her self-esteem, and should she ever lose the weight, she will have horrible self-image. Perhaps she is happy where she is. Either way, you don't get to be a weight…