

  • I wish I could quit, I don't have the will power. If I don't smoke I'll eat instead. But I have noticed if I do a workout I am too out of breath to touch a cigarette, so maybe you could take out all your stress on a workout- and because your mad or upset you wlll probably work harder. Please don't go back to smoking, it…
  • I already posted what I thought was my problem but after I read yours (HypersonicFit), I think that could be part of mine too. There was hardly enough food to go around- but when there was or I was at school, I'd pig out and people always thought it was wierd that I didn't gain weight. But I didn't get to eat like that at…
  • KIDS! lol, but serisously- I was a scrawny little thing and could eat whatever I wanted before I had my kids. I didn't realize how much my metabolism changed and continued my eating habits and the pounds started packing on. I've been on the deposhot and think that has made it worse. And I've not been working for the past…