

  • Hi. I just joined Monday. Currently looking for friends to kind of support/support me on here. So far, I've kind of found this site to be amazing and I can't believe I didn't join sooner. And since I've been on here, I've been sticking to my diet and giving myself a lot less slack. I actually just texted my best friend…
  • I need to lose about 60. But I'm also a student and I understand the stress and everything. Also, I notice you're kind of into anime. I'm kind of into anime and things too. Anyhow. If you're interested, hit me up, girl.
  • Hey, ya. I'm 25. Just turned 25 on Monday. And my problem is that I totally don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff. So it's hard to hold myself responsible. Having someone to talk to, to vent frustrations to, and vice versa, keeps me focused. I could talk to my boyfriend but he's tiny and doesn't get it. And I have…
  • How long did you plank for each session? Like I always hear that the plank is the best, but whenever I do it, I never know exactly how long to do it for a day. Oh, nvm. You just answered that.
  • Turning 25 and realizing that for years I've been like "This year, I'm totally going to get in shape." and then not doing it and telling myself the next year was the year I'd crack down. And I've been putting it off for at least 8 years. And I want a complete lifestyle change by the time I'm 30. So no time like the…
  • I feel like they are personally. I don't know if they're the most healthy thing ever. But I have a major sweet tooth and it's a little bit of sweetness. Plus 16 of those is a substantial snack for 120 calories. They're not like a salty snack where you want to keep going even after you've reached the serving size, either.
  • Wow. That's amazing. Keep up the good work. :]