marcelle65 Member


  • Hi i am marcelle and back again. I was here and few years ago. But back again now.. I have just under 12 weeks to my birthday and want to shock some people that has not seen me for awhile with a mini transformation lol. My partner is joining me and he is very competitive. I usually am not. But this time game on. Xmx
  • wow fantastic, what an inspriation xmx
  • hi there back, my highest weight wasnt much different from you weight, i have been up and down all my life, what you may need to do to help, seen as you have kids at home, is limit them with fattening things as can be a temptation for you too, do any of you children have weight issues, my eldest is 30 and unfortunatly got…
    in Hi Comment by marcelle65 April 2013
  • being 48 and diets for the last 40 yrs on and off, i have had many moments, going on an amusement ride, (trying to) i wouldnt lock past my gut, so had to get off and walk past everyone red faced, getting off a seat and the seat coming with me..... busting friends sofa's (yes plural) as well as garden chairs, getting my a**…
  • well said, has made me think and evaluate how i live my life xmx
  • congratulations for achieveing and i am also finding confidence in myself and feeling very empowered, i have been on diets for the last 40 yrs, and i have never felt so confident in achieving and succeeding xmx
  • add me i am new to this site and would welcome any friends in the same boat as myself i am around the 300 lb mark at the mo, i find having friends at same weight or have been here understands some of the worries and frustrations, i had a lap band done in 2000 and for me wasnt sucessful besides the fact i achieved my goal…
  • hi i weighed 312 lbs in january, been here roughly about a week, and can't wait to see the weight start dripping off, well done all that have begun there journy, feel free to add me, and we can help each other through, i feel as though your guys will help me the most as we all have simular beginnings and going through some…
  • hi there, i heard about it last week, and am a newbi too..... good luck, i am finally going to give it a serious go this time, xmx