miacwhite Member


  • Soooooooo, so, so glad I posted this topic! Thank you for explaining to me how MFP calculates calorie usage for weight loss. It makes perfect sense to me! I have just started exercising and am amazed in the difference it make in both my energy level and my disposition. :D I would hate to counteract that by not eating…
  • I have lost 20lbs to date and am still wearing the size 18 pants I started with comfortably. :/ Went from 230 to 210.
  • The only way that I have been able to end my night time eating is by going to bed soon after dinner is done and my daughter is in bed. I just don't have the control at this time to hang out so close to the fridge and I'm too lazy to come back down for a snack! lol As for daytime binging, I have started leaving ALL money at…
  • There is nothing wrong with YOU. It's the soda. I am a die hard, straight up coke drinker. I LOVE it. I crave it. And sometimes I'll have it, but it's like all the other food in my life. I grew addicted to it. Still am. I started drinking diet and hated it. I despise aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. They are just…
  • Starting at 230, my current goal is 170lbs. My body type is more apple I guess, but I primarily gain in my belly. I think 150 would be ideal for me though.