mudkiwi Member


  • I'm 5'10" and I currently weigh 160. According to the "wrap your fingers around your wrist" test, I'm a small-frame, but according to a calculator using my wrist length, I am a medium frame. My goal is to be 145 lbs :)
  • Thank you for the support everyone! :) I will definitely start weighing myself only once a week. It'll be tempting to see how I'm doing, but I'll stick to that haha. Do you recommend only doing measurements once a week, too? Or should I measure myself more or less often?
  • I was a moderately active person before I decided to change my lifestyle so my exercise might seem a little...much haha. I usually bike 12-15mph for an hour everyday and go to the gym and walk/jog for 20 minutes, then lift weights for 30 minutes. Generally I have whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter, a hard-boiled…
  • I was a moderately active person before I decided to change my lifestyle so my exercise might seem a little...much haha. I usually bike 12-15mph for an hour everyday and go to the gym and walk/jog for 20 minutes, then lift weights for 30 minutes. Generally I have whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter, a hard-boiled…