RainDrops930 Member


  • High protein: - greek yogurt - cottage cheese - nuts - skim milk Healthy fats: - avocados - nuts - olive oil - fish Lots of fruits & vegetables. Also, eat enough calories. Doing it the right way is definitely worth it. Nothing is worse than having to do it ALL over again all because you rushed it the first time.
  • I'm 5'4, and I weigh around 136. My goal is 130. 125 is even better, but 130 is a healthy weight that I feel confident at
  • Just think- if you blow it now, you will have to start all over again. What will stop you from blowing it again? If you just keep on going, it WILL pay off. It WILL show. Never give up :)
  • For me, I really just have to wait it out. It's hard, it really is. Let's say that it's 5:00, and I am getting cravings. However, dinner is not until 7:00. Well, I maybe watch an episode of television, then walk the dog, etc, until 7:00. It's one day at a time. Once you conquer the cravings for one day, you have to keep on…
  • I find that alternating my caloric intake helps me to keep on losing weight. One or two days a week, I would increase the intake by 500-600 calories (healthy, of course!) and maybe one day a week, try incorporating intervals of cardio such as sprints, which can be running or on the bike, or anything else. That might help
  • If you're looking for a great tasting smoothie that incorporates both fruits and vegetables, here's one that I eat (or drink..): 1/2 cup pineapple 1/2 cup grapes 2 cups spinach 1/2 cup chopped carrots 1 whole orange 1/2 banana 1-2 cups ice This makes 2 servings. It's probably around 130 calories a serving, and it's all…
  • I share a problem very similar to yours. In fact, I was shocked to see this post, since sometimes it feels like I'm the only one. I've battled with this problem for years, and it's a cycle. I've gotten my weight to a healthy range, but the problem isn't fixed. I generally restrict my calories for 5-6 days a week, and binge…
  • Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are very high sources of protein. Also, cheese that is reduced-fat or fat-free often contains twice the normal amount of protein. Skim milk is another great source. You could eat it in cereal, or make chocolate milk...or plain, of course!
  • I have a "cheat meal" every Saturday. I eat very healthy the rest of the week, and I always make sure to exercise on those cheat days. Rather than the whole day, I usually start at around 6 or 7 at night, that way, I can't even eat too much! The cheat meals usually consist of me going out to eat and ordering whatever I…
  • I make a smoothie for breakfast- it consists of plain fat-free greek yogurt, frozen berries, half a frozen banana, and some kale (for added nutrition, trust me you don't even taste it). It is high in vitamins, calcium, protein, and the kale also contains iron. Also, it's delicious!
  • I used to go to the store and buy myself snacks...everyday. Here is an example of a typical buy: Chips & dip, 2 packs of cookies, a few bakery items, some candy...anything else that caught my eye. Then I would go home and eat all of it! I can't believe I used to do that. Not only was it extremely unhealthy, but it also got…
  • I eat lean cuisine meals twice a week for dinner, and I have been losing weight! The sodium (usually around 500-600 mg) should be okay, unless you have to avoid sodium. Although some are small, some are filling enough. I find it fun to pick them out every week. If it is too small for you, just add a salad or some…
  • Hi! I'm a college student who is trying to lose weight as well. Haven't had the right motivation yet, and with summer so close, I really want to be healthier. I'm looking to lose 40lb total, but maybe around 10-20 by the summer time. Want to 'wow' people with my body! lol