

  • Mine is Monday, but I need to re-evaluate that. Last week's number was bad and it really ruined my day (and Monday's aren't my best anyway). Even when I know I've done good during the week, I still dread getting on the scale. I guess I am a "half-empty" person.
  • That is very interesting, I have been considering getting the fitbit for a while, but can't decide how much I would use it. I am basically sedentary with a desk job, but moonlight as an unpaid babysitter, housekeeper (aka Mom). I can't imagine I get under 5,000 steps and I feel like I am barely hitting my weight loss goals…
  • That is too funny--my husband and I were just talking about that last night. I have to assume that their bodies really do go into "starvation mode" and then we they get back and start eating again they gain back whatever they lost.
  • But baby, we LIKE you.
  • That's what it told me I get too. It won't let you go below 1200 calories a day consumed, as that will put you into "starvation" mode. if you work out though it gives you "credit" for those calories you burn and reduces your "net" amount. So if you eat 1200 calories and burn 300 exercising, your net for the day would be…