

  • I am 6' and I think a healthy BMI would put me around 135-160lbs, but I'm trying to focus on clothing sizes as a way to motivate myself. I am in a 20W, at 250lbs, but my doctor and I agree that a size 12-14 would be best (which is around 180lbs on me). It seems like such a pipe dream right now....
  • I am always available to reach the top shelves! Ask away! My husband is 6'2' but I have dated shorter men. I have to admit I always felt very large next to them, though. I like that my husband can make me feel like a "petite, delicate flower" on occasion. Not always, but when needed. :wink:
  • Hi! I am 6ft tall, too! I just signed on here yesterday after a friend of mine raved about how easy it was. I've tried many things over the years, as I never really lost the weight I gained when pregnant and my youngest is now 10 years-old. Last year I was on Medifast and managed to lose 30lbs, but I couldn't get past that…