Tall Girls needed for Advice/support



  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I am 5"11 here in the U.S.A.
  • My past 3 romantic entanglements were with a 6'3 huera, a 6'6 arab, and a 6'2 black girl. The huera and the arab were high level nationally ranked athletes. They trained and at the same as i do. I dont see any reason to train a tall girl differently. I will say, its amazing to see a 24 inch waist on a 6'3 deezle booty at a weight of 190lbs....THATS an amazon...lets keep it reeyo....lol....succintly: train hard and watch your knees. Squatting is hellish on tall girls BUT my boos were hitting 375lb squats for reps and deadlifting roughly the same.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    People ask. I offer. I don't like to see someone struggling if I can help out.

    It doesn't offend me if someone asks.

    It does bother me when people assume I played basketball. (NO.)

    To the OP - I'm 5'11 and my weight loss is going slowly. Currently taking a diet break, eating at maintenance and still exercising. I'm in no rush, there is no finish line, I'm just bettering myself. I have dropped weight really quickly before, but it was never sustainable, which is kind of the point of losing weight isn't it - to keep it off?

    I have never dated anyone taller than me. My husband is the tallest person I dated, and he is 5'10. I wear heels when I like...if they are just right, he ends up being eye level with my breasts. I get nice shoes, he gets an eye full. Win. Win.
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    Hey there,
    Im not exactly the tallest girl (5'10) but in no way am I short. And I also hate it hearing, "Oh you're so tall. It's ok if you weigh a little more. It'll even out." Being taller than other ladies has its own stigmas, let alone being over weight too. I went at one point from 300 to 200lbs over the course of a summer and the key for me was finding something fun. (I've since gained 50lbs back tho.) I was working graveyard at the time. Get home7:30 am in bed by 8am woke up by my best friend at 2pm everyday to go swimming at the river, then jog, then low carb dinners. Having my friends there every step helped. Just finding someone you can walk and talk with is a great start I think. Thats where me and my girls are starting again! XD
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member

    I am a 6ft girl from the UK i have been on here for over a year been a lot more serious about it since January. I have lost 18 pounds but have a total of 72 pounds to lose.

    I seem to have halted for 3 weeks and i am frustrated!!!

    I would like to hear your success stories and hear your inspirational journeys! I would love to have some more friends who are tall girls so i can see what your diaries are like and get an idea if I am on the right track!


    I thought I was 6'0" up until 4 weeks ago, and then I switched doctors and the nurse had to weigh and measure me. I am actually 6'1"! & also a female from the UK :)

    I have lost 11lbs since January (started my journey at the end of January) and began at 208, and as of four days ago I now weigh 199. My ultimate goal is to achieve a weight of 168 which would mean I'd be losing 40lbs in total. I'm just over 1/4 of the way there! :)
  • hattie869
    hattie869 Posts: 20
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    Nearly every shop i do an old lady will ask for my help!! Dont mind at all!
    There are lots of perks when your tall - reaching high shelves is one of them (scarcasm is the lowest form of wit - i know!) ;-)
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My boyfriend is 6'2 and I really never had an issue with finding taller men. But I've also never been one to turn down being with a shorter man either. If I wear 4 inch heels, I'm taller than my BF and he loves it...

    Interesting, but with the heels . . . don't you feel a little less like his girlfriend and more like his mom when you have to bend over to kiss him?

    No. His mom is only 5'5. This is the stupidest conversation I've had in a while...


    I know it's a bit ridiculous. The reason I'm so curious is that I have a friend who likes another friend but he's really short (like 5'4) and she's really tall (like 5'11") and I just don't see them ever being able to really be together because of this. I guess was just wondering how tall ladies feel about dating shorter men in general and how they make it work.

    You and your husband are both tall so I guess you're not the best examples.

    Thanks for your help though.


    I've faced this problem myself, and yeah towering over a guy has made me feel like I was the man or I held power of some kind in the relationship. I'd rather the man be taller or same height. I can't even consider dating men shorter than me because it just feels weird. Like I am dating a child man.
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    Just a question:

    Do you tall girls have problems finding men?

    I mean . . . it seems that for some of you who are super tall (you know above 5'11"), do you have trouble finding a man that's about your height or taller?

    My partner just so happens to be 6'2", but I wouldn't say it was particularly difficult. Although I will say that although shorter men definitely show interest in me and show that they are attracted to me, I do think their is an element of intimidation and domination that prevents them from acting on it. I am mostly "chatted up" by taller men :)
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I just added you.

    I am 6'2" living in New Jersey (USA). I have lost 42 lbs in about a year and a half...very slow at first then started coming off quicker now kinda slowing again.

    As for the MEN question, my Husband is 6'1" (only an inch shorter than me) and he LOVES my height! I did have a hard time when it came to boyfriends tho.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    People ask. I offer. I don't like to see someone struggling if I can help out.

    It doesn't offend me if someone asks.

    It does bother me when people assume I played basketball. (NO.)

    I always assumed volleyball. Have you ever seen the WNBA? That's just not entertaining to watch but volleyball is entertaining. Perhaps if all those tall women could wear heels too while playing basketball they would be able to dunk like men. Wouldn't that be entertaining?
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    I usually offer, unless someone is very insecure I don't think they would take offence.

    I'm 5'10", I've been stalled for ages but i think it's because I too scared to up my calories until I exercise
  • Lolly13
    Lolly13 Posts: 35
    5ft 9" here! im steadily loosing weight as expected - i have hit a wall recently in regards to loosing the weight - but still im keeping at it as we all have our goals and working through the tough parts is all part of the process i guess!

    but recently im only loosing 1/2lb here and there (which is a little frustrating at times)

    Ive lost 26.5lb so far since changing my eating lifestyle Dec 2012 and exercising more - but i honestly cannot notice any difference.

    but us tall girls gotta stick together! and keep on going! :)
  • Jacqmomof3
    Jacqmomof3 Posts: 24 Member

    You are the height I wanted to be! LOL. I am 5'10 and really could have used another 2 inches, yes I played basketball. I have been working on my weight loss since last May. I joined a gym where they made up a special weights program for you and you are supervised by a trainer. I lost 2 pounds since then but even better, 6% body fat. And I can see it on me for sure. In February I actually admitted to myself that I needed to track my food so I started looking for an easy online tracking program, I hate writing things down but figured that if I was logging it on my computer that was different than writing. I have successfully lost weight after my 3 pregnancies with WW but I didn't want to go back there. I also easily put the weight back on when not writing it down. I probably have been this weight for the past 4 years.

    The thing I find the most helpful is knowing how much calories I am actually eating and what that means in my day (sort of like how much that is worth). I have lost a further 2 pounds since starting on MFP about 5 weeks ago. It feels really slow to me but as this isn't a race but my life (yep I have to remind myself that one over and over) I am not going to sweat it. At least it is a loss and not a gain. I also eat fairly clean, I do have the odd processed item (a granola bar or a prepared meal) but I find it easier to control calories by making most of my own food from scratch, and leftovers for lunches.

    My diary is open right now, I posted a question about increasing calories as some of the thread are about eating more to lose. We will see this week if it made a difference. So, if you are looking feel free to add me. Hope you have a great day.

  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    Hello! I think I'm a pretty tall lady at 5'9, but most of my Mexican family is suuupper short, so it may just have been the environment making me feel taller then I actually am. :laugh:
    But, I'm here for support of any tall/short guy/girl, feel free to add me! :wink:
    To the comment about dating tall men vs. short men, I once dated a guy that was 5'0 (yup 5 feet even! not even 5'1!), :noway: and it was awesome! We've since seperated, but I still have an amazing friendship with him! I strongly believe you fall in love with the person, and whether they be tall or short, it's meant to be! :smile:
    My current boyfriend is 6'2 though, and he wasn't tooooo hard to find, :laugh:
    I'm right at eye level with him when I wear high heels.
    Anyway... Yay for tall girls! :drinker: :heart:
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Do any of you ladies ever get random requests from people for you to reach something for them in a store? I wondered about that the other day. I couldn't quite reach the top shelf at a Petco and I thought about asking this taller lady but didn't want to offend her. Is it okay to ask you to get something that I can't quite reach?

    Nearly every shop i do an old lady will ask for my help!! Dont mind at all!
    There are lots of perks when your tall - reaching high shelves is one of them (scarcasm is the lowest form of wit - i know!) ;-)

    That's great to hear. I'm not an old lady but I've had a few times when it would have been nice getting some help reaching the higher shelves. You never can find a sales associate to help you when you need one.

    I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo but I always laugh at the part where he has to date this super tall lady. I know that's an exaggeration but I'm sure some of you feel this way some times out on dates with shorter guys. This part of the movie always cracked me up.

  • I am always available to reach the top shelves! Ask away!

    My husband is 6'2' but I have dated shorter men. I have to admit I always felt very large next to them, though. I like that my husband can make me feel like a "petite, delicate flower" on occasion. Not always, but when needed. :wink:
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    I"m 5'10" and my BF is the same, I don't like wearing super tall heals because I hate feeling like I'm towering over him and everyone I'm out with. I like being at eye level for conversation.

    Feel free to add me!! I'd love to have some more fitness friends to loose the weight with. I've fallen off the wagon today, ate cake, ouch, but I usually eat pretty well. I'm just starting back at MFP, can't wait to loose more!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Just here for the hawt tall ladies. I'm 6'3" 240 lbs. and there seems to be a shortage of tall women,lol.

    Seriously though, I have been holding at a this weight for about a year and have noticed more muscle and less fat. Don't go by the scale go by the look and measurements.
  • KySny82
    KySny82 Posts: 97 Member
    These posts have brought a smile to my face knowing that others have encountered the same misconception I've dealt with for years & am still trying to overcome...the idea that it's okay to be heavier if you're tall because your height hides the weight. I'm 5'9"...the tallest of all my friends & coworkers & when I first told them about starting my weight loss journey they all told me I was crazy because I didn't need to lose any weight; I almost weighed 200lbs, but they didn't believe me because my height "hid" it.

    My weight has buoyed often since starting my commitment on here in 2012...the lowest I've weighed is 159 & people told me I was "too thin." It blows my mind, though, that the healthy BMI range for someone my height is 130lbs-160lbs, since I do think I'd look unhealthy at 130. I'm still fighting to maintain & tone; my overall goal is to reach 155-160.

    As for the shorter boyfriend question that was posed earlier...my personal preference is taller men. When I was in the dating pool, I had a difficult time finding a lot of guys who were taller than me; the average height of eligible men seemed to be between 5'6"-5'8". I've dated shorter guys in the past & felt awkward. My boyfriend now is 5'9" & I often feel like I can't wear heels around him. Plus, he often requests that I don't when we're out in public because it makes him feel too short.

    Anyway, feel free to add...as someone else said, we tall ladies need to stick together :smile: