

  • Hi Ashley! I'm fairly new too. The best way to keep up is fill in your food log everyday! At night, in the morning the day after, whatever fits into your busy schedule. I'm new to this whole weight loss scene. I love recipes from Eating Well. They have a whole new spring menu right now. If I find anything else helpful I'll…
  • I think you may be worrying too much about it. You know stress is a huge factor when you're trying to lose weight. Just take it week by week. I'm new to this whole sharing and talking about eating right and exercising. You sound like you're on the right track. Just give it some ime to get in a rythym. It will happen for…
  • You can do this! I never counted calories before, this is my first time using MFP and it's helped me soo much. Me and my daughter are doing this together.We are newbies to eating right AND exercise. :) Trust me we LOVE eating out too. But we've figured out how to still eat fun stuff without going overboard. You can do…
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