Need support and motivation!!

Hi all I have recently gotten back into MFP after having my son in October. Before I got pregnant I got to 75kgs using MFP. After birth my weight was 83kg and now I have managed to get down to 76.5kg but I seem to have lost motivation. I am on lite n easy and exercising by walking, netball and personal training. My problem is I dont continue with my plan! I get lazy, eat bad and stop exercising as much. I need help to keep me on track and to help me finally get to my goal weight. I dont want to go back to yo yo dieting and not being happy with who I am. I really want to set a good example for my son.


  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome back and feel free to me as your MFP buddy. I'm on daily logging, supporting and providing motivation when I can. I started out walking every day over a year ago, and now training for my first half marathon. MFP is so much more fun with others helping you on your journey. Wishing you much success!
  • merritt2013r
    You can do this! I never counted calories before, this is my first time using MFP and it's helped me soo much. Me and my daughter are doing this together.We are newbies to eating right AND exercise. :) Trust me we LOVE eating out too. But we've figured out how to still eat fun stuff without going overboard. You can do this. Sounds like you're way ahead of the game then we are. We'll motivate you if you motivate us! Just know we're here to support you!! Good luck.