cathyL11 Member


  • I’ve been following a carnivore diet for 5.5 years I sometimes go way off but for the most part it has been great. I’m 71 and I feel really great on it. In the past I’ve tried vegan and vegetarian and also low fat diets but always suffered from nutrient deficiencies leading to flakey nails, gum disease and cracks in the…
  • Carnivore since October 2019 Not always strict but it’s been a wonderful way of eating. I usually eat 1MAD or 2MAD ( meals a day). I’ve lost about 30 lb and have lots of energy and now very strong. I do strength training X3 / week and most days try to get in a Pilates session My labs are great, (well cholesterol is up but…
  • I’ve been mostly carnivore for 3 years now. I do labs every 6 months or so just to keep track of my health. No sign of deficiencies. It’s a great way to eat. Very simple to track and very health promoting.
  • Yes that’s what you do - you eat low carb forever. Not a bad thing in my opinion but somewhat challenging in our carb saturated world. You can reverse the symptoms of diabetes and heart disease by eating this way but that doesn’t mean you’re “cured”. You still have to eat mindfully just as someone who is celiac sensitive…
  • Thanks so much for your reply. I did find the Facebook groups and am figuring out which is the best fit for me. I need to explore the 2 keto dudes forum for their carnivire support group and I’m still trying to figure out the carnivore threads here in MFP. Hope to see you around. Stay healthy 😊
  • I put together this guide for assessing cardiovascular health for my family members. It’s a long post but I hope it helps. ❤️Assessing Cardiovascular Health ❤️ Along with the usual lipid panel and metabolic panel, and thyroid levels, and whatever else is routinely ordered, you should ask your doctor to order the following.…
  • I agree that everyone should be able to eat as they see fit. As a carnivore though, I feel a bit threatened by all the “plant only” propaganda out in the community and the media. It’s at the point where now, some institutions are imposing meat free days in their cafeterias or their food offerings as if that’s somehow a…
  • Hi Opa1 I’ll join you. I’m starting my challenge today Nov 25 as I was eating keto while visiting my son for Thanksgiving here in the States. Now I’m back home I can revert to my regular carnivore lifestyle. Height 5’4” 64”. 162.56 cm Current Weight : Goal weight. 65.7 kg. (145 lb)
  • Nvmomketo. I am interested to know if you still follow the carnivore way of eating. I embarked on this way of eating just over a month ago. I find I really like it. I thought it would be very boring but I actually like the simplicity of it and the fact that I eat fewer times during the day ( only once or twice /day)…
  • Well if Fung is not rigorous enough for you then read up on Ben Bickman’s work He is actively engaged in ketogenic research.
  • The intermittent fasting preserves muscle mass in your body and it preserves your basic metabolic rate allowing you to become leaner. On the other hand, frequent small meals throughout the day coupled with a lower calorie intake may cause your BMR to fall, meaning that you may not lose weight as efficiently
  • Read The Obesity Code and The Diabetes Code by Jason Fung. . Also there is the Obesity Code Podcast. I feel I’m learning so much from these sources.
  • There is the calorie deficit yes, but the main advantage is the lack of insulin spiking throughout the day. All those hours of fasting and low insulin secretion, cause your body to switch to relying on your fat deposits for maintenance rather than utilising food sources and laying down new fat deposits. Studies have shown…
  • Check out Jason Fung M.D. he is the expert on fasting. Easy to look up on the internet and on Amazon. There are lots of medical benefits from intermittent and extended fasting. It doesn’t always have to be unpleasant. A lot of people do it. It’s not necessary unsafe if you do it properly. I say go for it. Try a 24 hour…
  • Hi Shaydm if you can't find a person try using It's a free website where you set specific measureable weekly goals and then wager with the site to keep to the goal. For eg I registered my credit card with them and wagered $100 /week that I could lose 16 lb in 16 weeks. I am just over half way through and so far…
  • It took me a long time to adjust my thinking. Now when I have bacon and eggs I actually drain the bacon fat out of the pan and onto my plate then I top everything off with big dollops of fresh salsa. With the runny eggs and salsa and bacon fat -- it is quite a runny plate so I just spoon everything up off the plate (or if…
  • Hi Bookers--- I had never heard of sous vide until about a month ago but lately I've been experimenting with it in my slow cooker and a glass thermometer. I've cooked steak and chicken and today a london broil in my jerry rigged sous vide set up. The London Broil was about 2 " thick and came already vacuum wrapped in…
  • I usually like the taste of goat's milk but I've heard that if the female goats are around a Billy (male) goat then the milk can be very gamey and nasty. I love goat cheese but then I love stinky stinky cheese in general -- I just try not to eat too much because I gain weight on it.
    in Goat's milk Comment by cathyL11 May 2012
  • Oh and I have a pretty delicious recipe for Oven Baked Southern Fried Chicken Legs using ground up pork rinds instead of expensive almond meal. Grind up a packet of plain pork rinds with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and thyme, oregano and parsley, regular pepper to taste and grated rind of one lemon Use skin on chicken legs,…
  • I don't have much to add to all the great suggestions that others have posted but I do want to say that I think you are doing a great job with your budgeting and family management - well done -- hopefully this is just a phase in your life that will pass and you will be able to relax more in the future but your thrift…
  • happy to have you add me as a friend --- I adopted Paleo mostly for weight control but have had no trouble giving up grains. Dairy was more of a problem but I find I lose weight more easily without the dairy. My DH on the other hand is borderline Type II diabetic and he has really seen big improvements just by dropping the…
  • Hey Jess feel free to add me --- I'm originally from Finley in NSW down in the Riverina area near the border between Victoria and NSW. I've lived in California for the last 30 years or so. I've been gradually adopting Paleo over the last 1.5 years and am pretty much fully Paleo now. I also do Crossfit training (the older…
  • >>>>No he isn't. He is from Bastyr (a local and well known natural health university) so is a Naturopath. I didn't know he was so pro-paleo and was worried I was going to get a lecture, but i wanted my numbers. Turned out he spent an hour with me talking about food sources, energy levels. He seemed excited to have a test…
  • Sometimes I eat mine back and sometimes not. It all depends on how hungry I am. Occasionally I have days where I eat way more calories than I am supposed to so on the whole I prefer to be at least a little bit on the deficit side to absorb those binge days. Aside from that I never really know how many calories I expend on…
  • Fantastic --- thanks for posting this and all the explanations of the blood test results --- I envy you your doctor --- is he part of the Paleo Physician Network?
  • I really think that the theory that bra's lead to saggy boobs is just garbage. It reminds me of a poster I used to use to show women that breastfeeding doesn't necessarily cause saggy boobs -- it was a poster of lots and lots of different sized boobs from large to small and perky to droopy -- the game was that the audience…
  • Steak --- I'm serious -- you won't want to eat again until about 3 pm. Who says you can't have steak for breakfast? Also left over stew from the night before --- forget traditional breakfast and eat whatever you want even if it's traditionally a lunch or dinner type food.
  • I used to hate running in public so I would go early in the AM just as it was getting light. Fewer cars on the road -- hardly any exhaust pollution and I finally found a really good bra that felt like a straight jacket and held my "girls" in really well (Enell from Try to dress down and wear a baseball hat so…