

  • Yes. Felt quite accomplished. I didn't think about it too much today. And I had pancakes. Yum!
  • Don't know who'll read this, But I was able to reach 1200 cals today and stay within my macros. Yay!! Went over just a tiny bit on sugar, but I'm still alive
  • Oh thank you!! I will head over to Ralph's asap
  • I know Kroger here is Ralph's/ Food 4 Less. Don't know what Safeway is :(. I've only been to one different grocery store, didn't find it. Just thought I'd ask before I got off work and headed on a wild goose chase
  • Thanks :) . I know you can make it. I just thought I'd spend less if I bought it premade
  • Don't know if you'll consider this teriyaki but I found this recipe on SkinnyTaste. I loved it
  • Everyone has given such great opinions and point of views. I'll stop denying myself the things I've enjoyed also. I know, again, it's all about balancing and moderation
  • I did this the first couple of times around. It doesn't work. Now I allow myself treats almost everyday. I work them into my calories and I only have 1 or 2 servings, if they fit. If not, there's always tomorrow. But I make choices. The other night I had a 16 oz pepsi with my pasta, but then I couldn't have my ice cream…
  • That sounds like a great idea. I have been stressing out about looking at the whole day. Breaking up my day like that might make my life easier
  • So I guess I can have my all time favorite thing ever: buffalo wings? Lol
  • Haha... I wasn't so sure if it was. But yes, I have all those things in my house right now. Except flax seed oil. Didn't know there was such a thing
  • I agree with you. I need to learn how to find that balance with things I love and tweaking them a bit too make them healthier
  • Yes, that's what I've heard. To not completely cut out everything. It's just a matter of finding the right balance for everything. It's also hard to know how to calculate my cals when mom's cooking. I don't know what she puts in her stuff so I feel like I don't want to guess
  • You know, I would love to know that too! I have no idea how I'm eating so little, yet at the time I'm sitting down to eat it feels like I have an enormous plate of food. But then again, more than half my plate is vegetables. I check and recheck the nutrition info for everything I'm consuming just to make sure I'm not…
  • I'm confused. How are those things bad? I have nothing but chicken breast in my freezer. I absolutely love broccoli also.
  • I know the reply was well intentioned, but that's kinda what I thought. I looked up walnuts. Hi in cals, but very tasty
  • I love salty things too. Now I'm trying not to eat so much of it. For one, high blood pressure runs in my family. I was avoiding that too (thanks to my sister) but I just can't do without it. Now instead of eating bland crap, I add enough to give it good flavor, but not so much like before either.. atleast with that I've…
  • Haha. I absolutely love cheese.. so when I mentioned that, she said it's really fattening. So then I was avoiding it. Now I'm not. I bought Sargento ultra thin slices and get my cheese fix with little to no guilt
  • I have lunch everyday. Sometimes it's dinner I skip, but that was because I would workout after work and felt it was too late to eat. Now I work out during my break right before lunch so I can come home after work and eat dinner. I've never skipped lunch. But even now that I'm regularly eating something for dinner, I'll…
  • Thank you :)
  • I've just been winging it, taking sometimes so long to think about what I'm gonna eat that I just settle on steamed veggies and a bland chicken. But on Sunday I decided that I would find 2 or 3 recipes that I really liked at the beginning of each week, make the whole recipe (which are usually 4 serving per recipe) and eat…
  • [/quote] Talking to your doc is a great idea to make sure you approach your weight loss in the healthiest way for YOU. Great suggestions from everyone here as well. Do you plan out your food for the day or just wing it? It helps a lot for me to know what I'm going to be eating and calculating it out before I stuff it ALL…
  • I love almonds. I have a jar of almond butter in my fridge right now. I love all things nut except peanuts/peanut butter. My sister has made me afraid of cheese as well. I should stop listening to her:grumble:
  • I definitely snack between each meal. I guess what I'll do now is instead of getting fat free yogurt I'll buy the next one up and see how I do with that. When I use olive oil, I've been using half the serving size, so I'll up that too
  • I think I should blame my sister. She's made fear salt even. I definitely acknowledge that I am taking the "healthy eating" idea too far. I just don't know how to balance it all out and meet in the middle. It's easy to become overweight. It's not so easy when you've been eating a certain way for years and then try to…
  • I would like to be like you. To know exactly what to eat and have the easiest transition ever. But if I do need to loose 70 lbs it's because obviously I didn't know how to eat or what to eat. People don't forget what to eat. They've been used to eating whatever all the time, and junk all the time. I do eat health foods.…
  • Let's see. Huge burgers, large fries, whole tray of chinese food, super large breakfast sandwiches, huge portions and double helpings of mom's cooking. All that and more to the point of being more than full. I don't think those are things I should be eating or doing now
  • My calorie intake was calculated at 1400. I'm finding it hard to reach that though. And I know that it has to do with my snacks and dinner. I really try not to skip dinner, even if I eat something small. But I just don't have an appetite most of the time. Has anyone had that problem before? I know I'm not doing by body any…
  • That's what I'm going to do. I'll make 4 serving recipes and save the rest for meals throughout the week. Now if I could just figure out my snacks :huh:
  • That's what I was thinking as I posted my question. Especially since I'm always rushing and atleast I won't have to wonder how to divide a full recipe by 4 every day.