Recipe for Teriyaki Chicken please :)

firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
I'm looking for something quick with not many ingredients. I'm also thinking about baking it.
If you guys have a good recipe to share, please do :)

Thank you guys!


  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Bump :)
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I make teriyaki chicken ALL the time.
    I marinate chicken in soy sauce, brown sugar, and garlic. Sometimes, I'll also add shallots, ginger, and/or pineapple juice.
    Then I cut it up in small pieces and stir fry in wok. I serve over rice and with a sauce made from same marinade ingredients. Easy! My husband and kids love it (I'm a vegetarian).
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    Don't know if you'll consider this teriyaki but I found this recipe on SkinnyTaste. I loved it
  • kimberly_84
    kimberly_84 Posts: 2 Member
    I made teriyaki chicken the following way: (serves 4 people

    Chicken x 2 - slice into strips, Coat in plain flour with salt and cracked balck pepper. Fry off your chicken in a small amount of olive oil or sesame seed oil, Turing all the time not to stick. Once cooked set aside.

    Veg (if applicable) - I use onions and peppers to this dish, fry off the onions and peppers. Set aside.

    Sauce. Soy sauce, generous helping, 4 table spoons of sugar and diet coke (yes diet coke!) Melt the sugar and soy sauce together with a little sesame seed oil. Be careful not to overhead. add the diet coke and heat on full. Add back in your veg and chicken and coat. Add seseme seeds to wok and coat again.

    I have this will a small postion of wild rice and a large helping of green beans

    Dish complete!! Fab! :-)