Usually the most likely cause is the most common cause, statins (crestor). Walking usually is not enough to cause CPK.
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Can you poop? If you can not then you could have a bowel obstruction and need to go the hospital to work it up.
How long have you been trying for? With respect to exercise, being realistic, it's about 60-80 calories burned per mile "jogging". Here is a good read: TL;DR: Your Total Calorie Burn/Mile Running: .75 x your weight (in lbs.)…
You are not hurting your body. On AVERAGE, a woman require about 90oz water a day and a man requires about 120oz.
I believe that the amount of calories you burn during your workout, through no fault of your own, is exaggerated. A general rule of thumb is 1 mile of running (at 6+ mph) burns 100 calories. For those times that your fitbit thingy records 500 calories burned, think to yourself, do you really feel at that time like you…