

  • Always good to know there are fellow bros out there. This bro is from across the pond (England), but if that dont bother you then feel free to add me.
  • Hi Jodi, Worry no more, there are lots of people on here that have gone through the same kinda problems and have come out the other side. Me? I am considered borderline "morbidly Obese", i am clinically depressed, i suffer with sleep apnoea, and i have one HELLUVA appetite when it comes to food.Lol. But i'm determined to…
  • Hi Jess, I have been there and done the same. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Try to remain positive and above all dont give up !!!. I could do with someone to help with the motivation side. If you ever need someone to chat to, drop me a few lines and i promise i will reply. :-) Newy
  • Just added you. I could do with some inspiration friends too.