

  • I think the reason gyms offer these introduction/trainings sessions are so people don't get hurt using equipment they don't know how to work, so the equipment last longer with people who know how to use it, and to give their personal trainers who are doing the introductory stuff at no charge a chance to pick up new clients…
  • The shocking video was of Rulon sneaking food and eating it in his bedroom--had to wonder why the big guy hasn't been losing more weight. All of Kaley's struggles over the last 4 weeks, show that she needs a bit more work or just needs to be voted out (instead of staying when Arthur and Jay went home instead). I liked that…
  • Yesterday I ate two monster cookies that I made. I made myself input the calories after the first one, so I knew how many calories they were. They used up all of my snack calories for the day and some the calories that I had been short in other meals. I also made myself do an extra workout...plus 20 minutes of shoveling…
  • I've been on cholesterol medicine for about 10 years now. It is definitely hereditary (two out of four children are on meds...another one has cholesterol over 200 and eats mostly a vegan diet and exercises ofter...the fourth and youngest sibling has never had hers tested--I'm sure that will be high. Our dad has had high…
  • I just joined this week, so I am rather new myself. It sounds like we are going through very similiar things right now. I am 5'1" and for the first time I am out of the average weight range that I have been in for years...I am 41, so I know my metabolism is starting to slow down. Last weekend was my birthday, and I ate to…