Hello - Newbie here

My name is Raquel and im 38 years. I never had an issue with weight until about 3 yrs ago. I am 5'0 so you do see all of my weight (so I feel) I am hoping I can stick with this plan and reach my goal...but not only that but feel better about how I look and feel. I could use some encouragement on here and I hope I can do the same to others :-)


  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    My name is Raquel and im 38 years. I never had an issue with weight until about 3 yrs ago. I am 5'0 so you do see all of my weight (so I feel) I am hoping I can stick with this plan and reach my goal...but not only that but feel better about how I look and feel. I could use some encouragement on here and I hope I can do the same to others :-)

    Raquel -

    I know you will do it! Feel free to add me as a friend - I'll motivate you!

  • PattiPositive
    It Awesome here. I cant think of anyway else Id like to get support!!! I hope you enjoy it!
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    Welcome!! :happy:
  • katierush
    I just joined this week, so I am rather new myself. It sounds like we are going through very similiar things right now. I am 5'1" and for the first time I am out of the average weight range that I have been in for years...I am 41, so I know my metabolism is starting to slow down. Last weekend was my birthday, and I ate to my hearts content. Then, on Monday, I got started on this site (following the advice) of some Zumba friends. I am watching what goes into my mouth before I eat it (sometimes sitting at the computer to look up calories if I don't know...before I eat it), and I have exercised each day (twice yesterday). I have seen a 4 pound loss so far. I need another 5 pound loss to get me back into my old range (in which I wanted to lose some of that as well). As a person who likes lists and goals, this website is motivating me so far. You can do it! I know that on our small bodies, each pound looks more like two pounds--nowhere to hide anything.