

  • hai, pennylite... below is my weight lost plan is eat a balanced diet, exercise at least 3 days per mainatain a healthy life balanced diet: no wander how i must eat my breakfast (oat is my first choice coz oat can reduce the cholesterol in body, after drink oat also give me a sense of full ness) with 2…
  • congrate, u look awesome!!!
  • bekdavis, u also add oil and stay strong ya.. lets us become a beautiful and healthy girl...hehe
  • ya, there is a must for you to drink more than 8 glassess of plain water per day... maintain drink the plain water more than 2000cc if u can..i'm also trying to do tis target everyday, its also very hard for me to do it.. if i drink more than 2000cc i will run to toilet every 15minutes, it make me very frustrated... avoid…
  • oh, friends..u must less eat or u can't eat fry food when u want to slim down... it is too oily and full of cholesterol..they are evil.. i'm also try to avoid all these evilll
  • hi, i'm new too..just sign in today good luck for everyone here
    in Hello :) Comment by eggtart January 2011