

  • If I had to pick, I'd definitely pick losing inches over losing weight. But I do hope you get the weight loss too! You are on the right path.
  • Oh I do the same thing! I keep thinking I can get away with little bits of wheat here and there and I get all puffy and red in the face the next day. For my husband, his skin is night and day when he's on or off wheat. Just think how many teens might see major improvements in their acne if they'd just give up wheat! It is…
  • Ha! Yep, Toddlers and Tiaras for sure. I can't quit watching it. And it's on Netflix. AH! Also, Vampire Diaries. Then my husband "accidentally" started watching it, and now he says I can't watch it unless he's with me! I think a lot of husbands use their wives as an excuse to watch all their guilty-pleasure shows!
  • My vote would be the black coffee with handmade chocolates because that is what sounds most amazing to ME. :) Just pick what is going to satisfy YOU the most.
  • Okay, I'll try to be helpful here. Yes, obviously, the situation shows a lack of confidence on your part. That isn't going to go away by quitting hanging out with her. But I get it. I was one of three sisters and guess who was the chubby one? Me by a long shot. I also had the tendency to be best friends with girls who were…
  • You kick *kitten*! You are becoming such a good role model for your son. So proud!
  • The deep breathing with forceful exhaling that others have suggested works for me, along with massaging the stitch with a few fingers. Since you are just building up your running, it might be beneficial for you to slightly slow your pace and shorten your stride. Also, is the 2 minutes between running sets giving you time…