M_miller0507 Member


  • Do what works for you. The differences will be minimal if they exist at all. Personally, I can't work out if I've eaten recently. I work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This includes half-marathons. If I try to eat before I run or lift I feel awful. If you work out better with a little something ahead…
  • I've been a vegetarian for a few years. Feel free to add me if you want recipes.
  • Legumes (beans) and nuts are excellent vegetarian sources of protein. If you like fish that's good too. I can't help you with the fruit thing... I just ignore the sugar counter since almost all of my sugar comes from fruit.
  • I had no idea there was a term for it. I will continue to roll my eyes when people use it as a goal.
  • I've always heard that it takes 21 days to make a new habit (or break an old one). If you can make it just three weeks without stopping then you are on the path to not feeling the need. In fact, since you said this happens on work days, then that's only 15 days of saying no. I can't see your diary so I can't comment more…
  • If you're sick for a few days and can't keep food down then focus on getting better and not on whether you're setting back weight loss. You'll be fine with a few lower days if that's what you need. Just make sure you're eating enough and enough vitamin packed foods to get yourself better. And sleep and drink water!
  • Eat more. I eat about 2200 a day. I'm 5'6" and 130 pounds. I lift 3x a week, run 3x a week and work my horse 4-6x a week. I could probably eat more and maintain this. If you're exercising, up your calories. 1300 is way too low for someone who is 189 and working like that.
  • You're defeating the purpose of teaching yourself to like the flavor of fruits by adding sugar to them. Fruit is sweet enough on its own once you get used to it. I can guarantee that if you cut out other artificially sweetened foods and just stick to fruit for a few weeks you'll notice they taste wonderful on their own. In…
  • You don't get to give up, you get to give more.
  • I've been a vegetarian for a few years now and honestly went cold turkey on the meat thing. Are you still planning on having eggs and dairy? Excluding those and going vegan is going to require a lot more research. If you're looking for a slower transition I would read up on vegetarian versions of some of your favorite…
    in No Meat Comment by M_miller0507 May 2013
  • No one's replying to this because you can't change yourself in to someone else. Be healthy and see where you end up. That is the Ideal Body Type for you.
  • In before this explodes. If you were losing when you were eating more why did you drop your calories? Try going back to eating 1500-1900 and see what happens.
  • What type of support and motivation are you looking for? You said your husband has been trying to help but it's not the type you need. Do you need someone to help train you like a personal trainer or are you looking for a work out buddy? If it's the latter you may want to check out some fitness classes at your gym. They…
  • This is so true. The hard boiled egg and oatmeal I have every morning taste incredible.
  • I've been working out on an empty stomach between 5 and 5:45 AM for several years now and have had no trouble maintaining a healthy weight. I'm certainly not losing muscle mass. When I say working out I mean an hour of heavy lifting or a 3-6 mile run 5 or 6 days a week. Also, I'm constantly hungry after I work out so I…