Stacyschim Member


  • Phenomenal success!! You look fabulous, but the most important change is the confidence in yourself. You can do anything!!
  • Jazzercise, softball, volleyball, walking and hiking, anything fun
  • fantastic job, both of you! Feel free to add me. I could use some support too!
  • my kids are playing the Wii Fit as we speak, been at it all day. Planned on sledding but way too cold! I used to do it, but haven't in a while. I always liked the Obstacle Course because I ended up doing so many squats. I never got into the actual workouts because there was so much down time between moves. I need to check…
  • claumgr, Jazzercise I would imagine is close to Zumba, but I haven't tried Zumba yet so I don't know! I love it! Great music and great group of ladies to work out with. Still, I can't wait till it gets warm in frigid Michigan so I can hike outdoors again. They canceled school today because it was too cold! -20 wind chill,…
  • I'm just getting back into my routine after being sick for the last 6 weeks (two different viruses that got the whole family), a real zap to my motivation. I Jazzercise about three times a week, trying for more. I make some really healthy choices, but also some junky, worthless calories. I think I'd be really successful if…
  • My mom has had MS for 40 years, has very limited mobility now, and says water aerobics has given her such freedom to move. It's an incredible feeling when she's so used to her body not doing what she wants it to. Along with a healthy diet, I think water is the way to go. Good luck to you both!
  • I think the key, for you and me both, is the "sporadic" tracking. When I'm faithfully tracking, things just fall into place. I might even add in an extra workout if I see I haven't left enough calories for dinner. It sounds like we're in the same boat right now, we're already friends on here, so let's help each other…
  • how about pizza with half topped his way and half yours, or a frittata loaded with veggies for you and the other half with meats and cheese? You can make a pork loin roast in the crock pot and just load it with veggies for you and he doesn't have to eat them ;)
  • I did rainbow highlights this spring because I thought my kids and their classmates would love it (they did!) I play on the playground, play sports whenever I can, just remember what it's like to be a kid and do what they do! I'm usually one of the only parents rollerskating with my kids or sledding down the hill. This…
  • yum, yum, thank you!
  • fresh, crusty bread straight out of the oven
  • I love squash in a frittata. I sauteed some tonight along with carrots, bell peppers, onions, garlic, spices and added to red quinoa.
  • just started on here myself. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other
  • I'd say up the short walk to at least a mile if possible and add some intervals. Find a landmark you can jog to and then walk, or jog 15 seconds, walk 45 seconds, repeat. I got in great shape while pushing my double stroller 4 miles a day, and also lost 30 lbs. pre-wedding walking and doing Leslie Sansone videos as well as…
  • I did it a couple years ago, tons of fun! I ended up with a sunburn and very sore hips (arthritis) from all that climbing. A good waterproof sunscreen is in order because you'll be getting wet! Just take it easy and stay safe; listen to your body since you're recovering from injuries. We didn't do much training. We walked…