

  • yeah, pretty much hate calling my dr. It only hurts with certain exercises lol. So, rather than push through that particular pain, I will avoid those ones for now and see how it goes.
  • Have a question for the crowd. Maybe SOMEONE can answer: I was last pregnant 10 months ago. During this pregnancy (my 5th one) I was diagnosed with SPD (Symphasis Pubic Dystasis). I was diagnosed very early on, with symptoms starting around 18 weeks. What this basically did was made a shift in my pelvic bone, and the…
  • YAY!!!!!!!! Go us! Go EVERYONE!
  • Viola, Then if I inlcude Friday's calories, my total for the week was 3550. It is a hard call on the breastfeeding. As, yes, it is a daily activity for me ..... it is also one that makes me have to eat more calories. So I will let YOU, the boss, choose on this one. Because if I inlcude that... my total is: 3550 + 3500 =…
  • So do we include TODAY ???????
  • Weekly Challenge Total: Calories burned from exercise 2957 (have not included today in this... do I??) Let me know if I do, I will come back and add to that number. I also did not include the 500 cals a day I burn from breastfeeding, as I assuming that I should not be including that?
  • BW 207.2 SW 207.2 LW (last week) 207.2 TW (today) 205 :)
  • Green Machine Peeps! Today's challenge is done! I have been burning around 300ish calories a day (give or take) on exercise. But I am trying to really watch. Because I then burn 500 calories on breastfeeding. If I dip down TOO low, it can affect my milk supply. Maybe next week I will up it a little. My ENTIRE body hurts.…
  • Thursday Challenge DONE! Except, of course, the water. That will be ongoing :) Finishing up my 4 cup and it isnt even lunch time :)
  • Weds challenge done! :)
  • I managed to only get about 10 of the burpees done. I am apparently WAY out of shape. Because the 10 bout killed me :/ But I can say I tried my hardest. Also had some veggies. Now onto TODAYS challenge. 5 minute jumping jacks ..... Hmmmm I CAN NOT possibly be the only large busted one here. How in the world do you manage…
  • Way to Go Natalie! I seen you were the Biggest Loser! :)
  • LOL I guess I should NOT include my calories burned for breastfeeding, in the weekly challenges? ????
  • I totally just now found the daily challenges :/ Yeah .... so I guess I will start them today lol sorry
  • :) Slow moving Monday here
  • I haven't been able to find my name on a team. :) Can you add me when you are able? Thanks!
    in TEAMS Comment by tosha_e_1 March 2013
  • BW 207.2 SW 207.2 LW 207.2 TW 207.2 LOL I am brand new ok!
  • Height 5'2" Age 31 BW 207.2 SW 207.2 Goal Weight 145 ish Beginning measurements/stats dont measure Plus, you can share a little about yourself - I am a homeschool mom to 4 AWESOME kids, ages 10 months, 5-1/2, 7-1/2 and 12-1/2. I have tracked calories before I got pregnant last and lost nearly 40lbs. I am still not to to my…