General Discussion/Questions

I decided it'd be good to make a thread for questions or comments anyone might have. :)

Also, I'll be putting people into teams for the challenges - I'll post the teams by Sunday.


  • Pkeenan1229
    Pkeenan1229 Posts: 51 Member
    Kat is awesome :)
  • tosha_e_1
    tosha_e_1 Posts: 19
    Have a question for the crowd. Maybe SOMEONE can answer:
    I was last pregnant 10 months ago. During this pregnancy (my 5th one) I was diagnosed with SPD (Symphasis Pubic Dystasis). I was diagnosed very early on, with symptoms starting around 18 weeks. What this basically did was made a shift in my pelvic bone, and the cartlidge there stretched. Luckily we caught it in time, and with MANY MANY weeks of physical therapy, I was able to cope. But it could have been very bad, and even tore.
    At any rate, I have not gotten into any exercise routine since then, until last week. And I am noticing that some exercises (such as a lot of squats, the ones where you lay on your side and lift up to work your abs etc) are really making it hurt again. :(
    I wonder if anyone else ever had this. Did they just push through the pain or did they work around it and not do those exercises?
  • angela259
    angela259 Posts: 47 Member
    Tosh, I think you should give your doc a call. You don't want to damage anything. Better be safe than sorry. Maybe they can recommend some excersies/stretches for you
  • tosha_e_1
    tosha_e_1 Posts: 19
    yeah, pretty much hate calling my dr.
    It only hurts with certain exercises lol. So, rather than push through that particular pain, I will avoid those ones for now and see how it goes.