BRANDY12291 Member


  • Sign me up! I just sent you a message. Thanks! :)
  • Hi All!! I feel like such a slacker when it comes to posting in this thread. I really want to do better. I need accountability (and occasionally the place to vent at) but gosh I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to do everything. Question: Can you view this thread on the MFP app on your smart phone? If I…
  • @tanya949 and @robinB012: Thanks for the welcoming. I really need a group to keep me motivated and I'm very excited about a challenge starting for May! Exciting! Fitness Friday: I started the "Ease into Couch 2 5K" program yesterday. I've downloaded the app previously and gave it a half hearten attempt. But my goal has…
  • Hello to everyone! Newbie here.... Well I'm not a newbie to MFP but to this thread. I really need to find a good accountability/ motivation group to become a part of. So here I am! A little bit about me, I'm 32 yrs old. I started my journey almost a year ago. I begin on WW but soon realized through MFP I could do this for…
  • I'm in the same situation. It is very hard and I will admit I am struggling to find time to balance everything. I had been trying to go to a gym right after work and taking my son with me and putting him in the child care center. But like you said, I was feeling really guilty about leaving my son in daycare all day while…
  • I am currently doing WW online only. I have lost 33 pounds since March 28th. I don't go to meetings. I can defintely see the benefits of going to meetings. However, it is too pricey for me. I pay $18.95 a month for just WW online. Compared to like fifty something dollars a month if you go to the meetings. I really like WW.…
  • Still got lot's more to go!