Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I'm exhausted today. I slept like a rock until 3 am until I woke up for some reason. I just could not fall back asleep, so I lost almost and hour and a half and couldn't even fall asleep after hitting the snooze button at 4:30 (that snooze button puts me to sleep every time LOL). A very busy day at work, with Canada Post not operating delivery yesterday, so I had 2 days mail to do. That got me 12,000 steps by 2pm. Physio was great, it was good to be back, and I felt like I had extra energy and got my leg lifts really high today, as well as the kettlebell. Maybe it was the extra calories I'm eating. The real test of that will be heavy cardio day on Friday.

    @skinny... I am taking advantage of more peanut butter, almonds and cheese, and am slipping in a few Ritz crackers... I love them. I have room now for those with cream cheese. What a treat.

    I've set some new Fitbit goals for this week: Wed and Sat are going to be tough.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. 45 active minutes
    3. 2500 cals burned
    4. 8km total distance

    Tues: (currently) 14,303 steps, 68 AM, 3,369 cals, 9.61km
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Tuesday goals: I am reassessing my Color Run goals AGAIN! Go figure!! :laugh: I am woman, hear me... change my mind again!!

    My walk on the beach Saturday paired with a 3 hour stroll up and down the boardwalk of another beach on Sunday must have really primed me. I walked on a different treadmill than I usually do yesterday and when I was strolling along at 2.9 mph, I thought that the calibration had to be off. There is no way I could possibly be walking at that pace so easily. Then today rolled around and I got on my usual treadmill and image my surprise when I was able to get to 3 mph after about 10 mins of continually increasing the speed. I maintained that speed for 50 mins!! Woohoo, go me!! I didn't do any HIIT intervals like I normally do on my Tuesday and Thursday walks because I wanted to see how long I could maintain the 3 mph. I just might be able to hit my original goal of finishing the race under an hour after all!! (unless just plain FUN slows us down, I heard that can happen) :laugh: :drinker:

    Treadmill times:
    Tuesday, 3/25 - 2.53 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 3/27 - 2.70 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/1 - 2.88 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 4/3 - 2.35 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/8 – rested the shin splints
    Thursday, 4/10 – 2.62 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/15 – 2.54 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 4/17 - skipped the gym.
    Tuesday, 4/22 - 2.98 miles in 60 mins.

    My increased speed and extra steps at work today had me recording a record breaking day on my Fitbit. For the first time, I was actually ranked #1 on my Friends List. Then, when I told my DD (read that with SARCASM dripping all over it!) she said, "Hold on, let me sync." Yes, she also has a Fitbit. So, of course as soon as she synced her Fitbit, she was ahead of me! :sad: BRAT!! :grumble: She couldn't let me have that for 5 minutes! I'm sure when Heidi and Tanya next sync, they will both be ahead of me again. :ohwell:

    I've seen a glimpse of the next "decade" on the scale today, 249.4!! I hope it sticks around until Friday so I can officially record it. I feel like I've been in the 250 "decade" forever! I think it's time for progress pictures soon!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Don't sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just popping in quickly tonight. This has been a crazy week and it is not letting up any time soon.

    Tom- The deviled eggs are very cute. It would have been hard to eat them.

    Monday- Ran 1.5 miles in about 19 minutes- which is good but oh was it difficult. I hope this improves soon. Tonight, I did get a swim in for about 45 minutes. It was a good swim where I just swam what I wanted to swim so I went over a .5 mile maybe close to a mile. Tomorrow, I will meet with my trainer before I head out to a meeting in the evening. Thursday-I have 2 meetings after work. Friday, I will most likely work late then go climbing.

    Robin- I will handle the May challenge.

    Tuesday- Truth- I have been eating to much candy this week. I have a feeling that TOM will be making an appearance in the next few days. Not that it is an excuse but I tend to crave candy when it is close.

    Sunday- REST Day DONE
    Monday- Trainer- run 1.5 miles DONE
    Tuesday-Swim DONE about 1 mile
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- rest helping at Special Olympics lots of walking
    Sunday- Special olympics- walking
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Reba - welcome - we love newbies here. Come back every day as this thread moves quite quickly! If your not logging your foods thats the first advice we give anyone - looks like you're doing well so far. Don't let anything knock you off the track, just get right back on, OK?

    AFM - its been a lot busier than I anticipated. My Pre-Op appt. with my primary doc lasted a lot longer than I anticipated - mostly because I talked his ear off about all my medication and could any be stopped as I am taking so so many. Answer: NO. Then we talked about medications I wanted to try that might help my tongue, and he said "we'll wait til after surgery" but he explained his reasoning, which is well thought out.

    My week so far:

    MONDAY - call surgeon about mouthwash he forgot to order - he called back, can't put me on it, I'm allergic to 2 ingredients
    call Dentist about mouthguard - must wait to fit it properly after I start back on Advil
    1:15 pm See Primary Doc for pre-op visit

    Tuesday - Pool P.T. - no time
    maybe pedicure? - silly, have to remove for surgery
    12:00 - Hairstylist - got color and cut and blow-out

    Weds. - 2:00pm Anesthesia Pre-op visiit

    Thursday - 1:30 - Dr. Shrink re antidepressant check up
    2:30 Hair stylist - color and cut - Done Tuesday

    Friday big grocery shopping run -double up for next week!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Had a good day. Got my butt kicked by a trainer (thought I was going to vomit for a minute there but got 19 flights of steps in and two laps plus all the resistance training). Met calories. Met water goal. Now just going to try to get to sleep but wanted to pop in and say hello.

    @Robin...less than a week to go...keeping you in my prayers.
    @Laurie...sounds like you are kicking some butt
    @Robin...look at that speed...improving all the time!

    I know there was so much more to say, but I'm on my iPad tonight and not very used to it. Good job to those that are getting it done... You can do it to those that are struggling.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Had a good day. It was raining earlier in the day, but the sun came out in time for me to get good walk, 4.6 miles. RobinB, congratulations on the increased speed. Robin, at least all this pre-op stuff is using up some of the time. Maybe it will make the time go faster.
    Have a good evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you all are doing well. I am sorry for not being very active on here lately.

    I am in a bit of a funk with work and it has left me in a blah kind of mood. I found out that a lot of people at work have been called for interviews for the summer positions. They contacted everyone right before vacation. I am really upset because I have not heard a thing regarding an interview for the positions I applied to. One of my work friends told me not to worry about it too much because they do things in dribs and drabs. However I found out all of the other teachers who applied were contacted for interviews. Everyone heard except for me. They tried cheering me up saying that maybe they are doing interviews by seniority however there is a new teacher who was hired the same time I was who was contacted for an interview. :ohwell: So of course now I am doubting I will get called, second guessing my career choice and frantically looking for job openings for the summer and 2014-15 school year.

    Anyhow I just wanted to let you all know that I am still here and plugging along. I will be back soon.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Still around...getting caught up! Be back later!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Such a quiet day on here today. I hope that means everyone is out enjoying life!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Nettie - Don't jump to conclusions just yet. Are you able to make some sort of follow up? Maybe your info was misplaced? I would call or email letting the "powers that be" know that you are still interested and see what kind of response you get. Lastly, DON'T let this stress derail the good work you've put in on your weight loss and exercise!

    @Kaye - Keep up the great work on your walks! Have you had any luck looking into 5k walks in your area?

    @Robin - Just a few more days to go. I image you are anxious to get this over with so you can make way for better days ahead!

    AFM: I left for the gym without my Fitbit tonight!! :explode: :mad: :explode: Thankfully, my daughter was with me so between the stats from the treadmill readout and using the distance logged on my daughter's Fitbit, I was able to manually enter the activities. I know they are estimated lower than what they would have been, but it's better than missing nearly two hours of fitness altogether. :ohwell:

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Don't sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robinB--congrats on the progress you are making on your walking pace--you are going to ROCK that Color Run!! :drinker:

    @nettie--I can see how that would be discouraging, but I agree with robinB--do some follow up. Also, don't second guess your own abilities based on this. It may be they really like you in your current role and assume you will stick around for the part-time gig. If that's not acceptable to you, all you can do is show them their mistake by looking elsewhere. Sadly, I was in a similar situation years ago. I was running the Writing Center at a HS in an ESP position. Everyone there really liked me, but there were no openings after my 1st year. The new dept chair strung me along implying if I stuck it out for another year I would get a teaching position. Then after my 2nd year, he hired 4 outside people to fill openings and expected me to stay where I was. I told him if he wasn't going to hire me, he needed to write me a rec letter and help me find a position in another district. He passed my resume to the dept chair who hired me in my current district (after basically admitting that he didn't realize I wouldn't stay as an ESP). He only lasted as dept chair for a couple of years b/c he was made bad choices on some of those newhires. Bottom line is, getting passed over isn't necessarily a reflection of your skills in the position; it may just be bad judgment on the part of those doing the hiring.

    @robin--you certainly are busy! I hope kaye is right and that it's making time pass quickly for you. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I went on a candy binge today after a carb binge yesterday. :ohwell: Great job rocking that 12 min/mile pace!

    @tanya--Mmm, ritz crackers are so good! I fear I wouldn't be able to stop at just a few. :blushing:

    @tammy--sorry zeus woke you so early. :yawn:

    @kelley--July is why they invented treadmills and air conditioning! :laugh:

    @kaye--I hope the meds work for your knees. Mine have been a bit ache-y lately as well--I think it might be do to the weather paired with more outside runs on concrete. My body got really used to the cushion of a treadmill during our deep-freeze of a winter.

    Tuesday Goals(since I missed yesterday):
    I would like to get caught up with my calories and back in "the black" by this weekend. Not easy after my super carb binge yesterday, paired with today's chocolate binge. If I make it to the gym tomorrow, I should be good though. I also want to finish my AP essays over the next couple of days. I'm almost halfway through, and with several hours of grading time tomorrow, I should be able to make quite a dent. I may lock myself in my empty classroom so I don't get distracted by my colleagues in the office.

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that robin has as easy and stress-free a week as possible leading up to her surgery.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 18/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. 32/70 AP essays
    3. 70/70 AP journals DONE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--run outside w/gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 55 sec
    Forearm plank = 60 sec
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all!
    I am still here just not at my computer as I was gone most of day and will be gone all day tomorrow. I am eating below my calories, BUT not getting my walking in :sad:

    The scale did move downward this morning which was fantastic!!

    I hope each of you are doing well and I hope I get to "talk" tomorrow!!

    Reba in Kansas
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Nettie- Eek! I would be freaking out, too! I hope you get a phone call soon and some reassurance about your career.

    Kaye- Rain or shine...getting your miles in! Good job on meeting your mileage goal this week. I hope the anti-inflammatory works well.

    Robin- Sounds like the time should be going by faster now with all your preop and prep work going on before surgery. Hope everything goes smoothly!

    Laurie- I've eaten a lot of candy over the weekend, too. Easter and TOM and the stars aligned to make the cravings double up! Nice run!

    RobinB- Great job with the increased speed! Congrats on your brief shining moment at the top of the Fitbit heap! Darn kids. :wink:
    Too bad you forgot it for the gym tonight. At least your body registered the full impact of your exercise, even if you didn't get it recorded on your Fitbit.

    JT and Tanya- Sorry about your early morning sleeplessness...I went to bed about 830 last night and slept in until 600 this morning! Maybe I stole some of your zzzzz's!

    Reba- Welcome!! :flowerforyou: Many of us still have a long way to go, too. We all started where you are. Keep checking in here. I have found the accountability of this group has really kept me on track!

    Kah- Does Bob's meatless day include fish? I usually do one meatless day per week, but without fish it tends to be protein-poor. I've done Mexican beans as a main dish instead of meat for dinner, too.

    Skinny- Loved your Sunday Share!

    Mowmow and Tom- What beautiful holiday foods. Your pics make me hungry. :smile:

    AFM- I can't believe it's Wednesday night already. My week is flying by...though I haven't been all that busy. I didn't log all my food Sunday or Monday. I was off from work on Monday and the kids and I lazed about all day, watching tv and eating like crap. I started logging everything again on Tuesday, so hopefully I won't be too far off track by weigh-in on Saturday.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 12/30
    2. Wall sit: 15/30, 80 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 15/30, 45 sec.
  • naturesfinest4688
    naturesfinest4688 Posts: 117 Member
    Ive lost 145 all alone no gym no pills nothing but sheer will.I joined gym now
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    If I had posted this morning, my wish would have been to get my 4 coconut cream pies done on time for the hospital auxiliary pie sale. I'm happy to report that my wish came true with very few set backs. Now I wish that all will go well in the preparations for the luncheon I am in charge of on Saturday, serving about 100 people.
    I echo Karen in wishing Robin well with her upcoming surgery.
    Welcome to the new ones. There are plenty of encouragement and accountability here.
    Nettie, I would be crazy. I don't have a lot of confidence in myself and would be easily derailed by your situation.
    I got sprinkled on a bit this evening, but got 4 miles. Rain is predicted into next week. I hope we keep getting breaks.
    Onward and downward, Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - I'm back, but super busy. I'll check in soon. Missed you guys, but had a wonderful time!!!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I forgot to say welcome to the newlings earlier, but seeing Sherrie's face back in the mix reminded me! I stole the term "newlings" from her ages ago!

    @sherrie--welcome back to the thread!! Hope all has been going well with you! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--welcome back from your vacation!! Can't wait to hear all about the highlights!

    @kaye--great job getting that walk in! :drinker: Gunner and I may have to doge some raindrops over the next few days--rain in the forecast here as well.


    Edited to add--HAWKS WIN!!!! :bigsmile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~I agree with what others have said. Maybe they misplaced your paperwork? Or it could be that they love what you are doing already and want to keep you in that position (unfair, I know), similar to Karen that’s happened to me before. Never question your abilities, you’re excellent with those children and they recognize that. I know its frustrating and disappointing, I'm sorry its affecting you so much right now. I hope a follow-up phone call with them will put your mind at ease.

    @Hansea~Bob really pushes fish in general and legumes on the meatless day, but I may find that fish is allowed on that day as I work thru his recipes. I think he’s kind of crazy with some of his “rules,” but I already do most of them.

    @Susan~Welcome back!

    @RobinB~You’re making great progress, you’re going to do awesome at the Color Run!

    @Karen~LOL True!

    AFM~Not much to report really. Missed my workout yesterday because of work but with my boss off today I should be able to get out of here early to meet my trainer. Last night I did finally start going thru clothes - amazing how much room my dressers have now. I made two huge piles, one to donate and the other to toss. I still have 3 drawers to go through and 2 closets, hope to have that completed this weekend - I think I'm going to find that I need clothes. :laugh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/Agility DONE! (3 mile run/agility drills)
    Tuesday~Cardio DONE! (4.4 mile walk)
    Wednesday~Cardio or Trainer NOT DONE! :frown:
    Thursday~Cardio or Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • BRANDY12291
    BRANDY12291 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello to everyone! Newbie here.... Well I'm not a newbie to MFP but to this thread. I really need to find a good accountability/ motivation group to become a part of. So here I am!

    A little bit about me, I'm 32 yrs old. I started my journey almost a year ago. I begin on WW but soon realized through MFP I could do this for free. So while my total weight loss according to MFP shows something different, all together I have lost about 64 pounds since the beginning. I'm a little disappointed in myself. I "fell off the wagon" so to speak during the holidays and had a real tough time getting back motivated. But I've been logging and exercising consistently for a little over a month now. I just have to keep it up!! During the months last year that I really lost, it always seem to help that I would sign up for different challenge groups. It helped keep me accountable. Lately I haven't found any good challenge groups, but I did find this thread. So I'm excited!

    Have a great day!