Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Kelley-congratulations on the great loss. Wow! 120# off is a great accomplishment.
    Well, I'm off to get breakfast for the troops. Found out they smelled a skunk, and that ended the outside part of the party. Goofy kids.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 13 pounds down by counting my calories and exercising. This site and planning my meals is what has helped me so far. I look forward to hearing from you all on what you are doing :)
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Morning All,

    Thanks for all of your concerns and suggestions!!

    I actually got 7 hrs of sleep last night - I feel sooooo much better. Truth be told, it happened accidently - I fell asleep in the recliner. I knew I bought that thing for a reason. It just cuddles me just right ; )

    As for fitness plans, I am walking 3.5 miles a day. I take three 15 minute breaks a work and go walk. I figure if the smokers can have their breaks, so can I. No offense to any smokers. I am not sure why I feel the need to justify my walking - silly of me. I finish my walking at home once it has cooled.

    North Texas is ONLY hitting 90 on the temp guage here lately, so I will be doing my battle rope routine outside. I wish the gym manager would let me store the rope at the gym. He said I could donate it for all to use - I said no thanks.

    Oh, I stopped by the tire place this morning as one of my tires was not staying inflated - come to find out - I needed two new tires!!!! While I appreciate the tire place allowing me to earn miles on the credit card, I do not appreciate the bill at the end of the month. I wonder if I can get the cats a part time job????

    Happy Friday

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning all!!! I had decided that I needed to be getting up earlier, and was, so last night I decided to get to bed earlier too!!! We are working on doing AM runs in prep for Sept. I like to run around dark for several reasons... first is pride (this fat girl running is NOT pretty!) but also because it is easier on my vertigo... the less visual stimuli the better!!! But since hubby works till 1 AM or so, it is really hard to make myself go to bed at a decent hour!

    My Friday Fitness is that I have set a goal of 4-5 run/walk workouts a week. Other exercise I get is bonus! I still have not started cross training. I think I am simply intimidated!!! Today is garden work and maybe a run... vertigo is pretty bad today so we shall see how it goes!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Friday – Fitness- I’m going to finish packing the lab today and I’m sore from lifting and packing for the last few days. Movers come Saturday morning to get all the stuff over to the other building where I’ll be working. Hopefully I’ll get it done on time and not have to stay late to finish.

    Susan- The hoses I have are standard 22mm 6 footers. I guess I do not know what you need. Here are some links that may have what you need. Some brands of CPAPs have different ends. Good luck finding yours.good-luck-smiley-emoticon_zps2e7a6c13.gif

    Quote of the day: - “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now” ~Alan Lakein

    I hope you all have better days today than mine will probably be.:laugh:

  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Thursday Truth: The scale is evil. I have got to quit stepping on it every day. I know those daily fluctuations are going to happen yet I get myself so worked up. I need to focus on my monthly loss and not the day-to-day changes. It's soooo hard though.

    Hello everyone! ^ I have this same problem but I am addicted to the scale. This week has been tough for me- not feeling very well and the past 2 weeks the scale is messing with me. I too, need to focus on my monthly loss not the day to day.
  • bernicesmission
    HI im new and i need to lose 100 pounds want to share that today i joined a gym it was very scary for me to be weighed and measured and publicly sweaty but i loved it !!! i suprised myself i was walking past and decided why not, i am serious about weight loss i think it is a great investment considering how much money i have invested in becoming fat this surely will be the best money ive ever spent.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: You've found a great thread here.

    @tom--good luck with the move! I know it's a lot of hard work, but just think of the calorie burn! :tongue:

    @marca--good job with the running and enjoy your gardening today.

    @john--glad you finally got a good night's sleep--as another insomniac on this thread, I know how good that feels!

    @kaye--that's so funny about your grands coming inside b/c they smelled a skunk. :laugh: If I let that deter me from going outside, I'd be a hermit! :laugh:

    @kelley--have a good visit with your grandmother--focus on the pluses--that she's at home with loved ones. :flowerforyou:

    @lisa--ditto what kelley said about stress.

    @lori--glad you are so active it's tiring out your dog. :drinker: Enjoy your swim tonight.

    @robin--great news about your friend's surgery!! :drinker:

    Regarding the scale--although I totally get the scale-phobia, I'm still a firm believer in daily weighing b/c research shows again and again that people who weigh daily lose or maintain weight better than those who weigh sporadically. I've also found that doing so has made me less of a "slave" to the scale--meaning I'm not as obsessed with the number as I used to be years ago. That being said, I'm not immune to the occasional anger over numbers going up when I think they should go down. :mad: However, it's not the tragedy it once was.

    Friday Fitness:
    I'm going to hit the gym again today. I ventured onto some new weight machines the other day, so I want to repeat that strength routine. Will also do some cardio--either a run or cycling. I haven't really explored the free-weights area in my new gym, but would like to get to that soon as well.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Wed--or walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE (rest day)
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just got home from the gym. My right side/shoulder is still giving me fits but I went to the pool and swam laps using the kickboard to support my arm for almost and hour. It worked pretty good and my side only twinged a little. I was going for a whole hour but at the 50 min mark I really had to pee and I didnt want to see any blue water:laugh:
    I am hoping to bring some semblence to cleanliness back to my house today. You would think that if I get laid up for a few days my 19 and 21 year old little darlings could keep up on the house but other then the bare minimum apparently not:grumble: Oh well they will be spreading their wings and flying away sometime in the next year so I guess I better enjoy the time I have left with them here.
    Marca you are one of my exercise heros with the way you have stepped up your running while suffering with vertigo. I had a short bought of that a couple of years ago and it just stopped me in my tracks.
    Kelley have a wonderful visit with your grandma and just focus on this precious time you have with her. My heart goes out to you and your family.
    Robin I was very happy to hear your friends surgery went well. It is the worst when there is nothing we can do but hope and pray.

    I dont think I really have any kind of scale phobia. I will weigh most days but unless there is some major difference I cant think of a reason for I dont sweat it to much. Mondays are my official weigh in days so those are the only ones I get excited about.
    Well my husband just called and it is great to hear his voice but the darn satellite phone is acting up so now I am listening to dead air hoping he comes back. Nope phone just went dead. Oh well got to talk to him a little bit so that was still awesome. I am off to start on the house. Pretty sure its not going to clean itself, lol. Have a great day everyone.:heart::heart:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    *Drags self in, ashamed and sheepish*

    Ok, I'm done with my week long pity party. I'm unemployed (haven't heard from EITHER job I really wanted so I guess I didn't get either) and I'm ready to stop sitting on the couch, eating, and feeling sorry for myself.

    Last night I sat down and worked out a daily schedule for myself. I'm on day 1 and handling it OK. :laugh: It includes 3x30 minute workouts in the AM and 2x30 minute workouts in the PM. In between are my meals/snacks/ and household tasks that should be done. Today is laundry(clothes only)/wash the cat blankets ( that cover every soft surface in the freaking apartment)/water the plants/vacuum. I realized that this is the perfect opportunity to devote time to my health and push the weight loss. I have nothing else to think about. The workouts are all pretty low impact right now. I'll replace them with tougher ones as I get stronger.

    My kidney ultra sound came out ok. No shrinkage (lolololol) and the pretty colors showed it was working well enough. Doc is satisfied I'll tick along until I get insurance again.

    I didn't completely disappear, I saw everyones triumphs, weight losses, NSVs and struggles. Welcome to ALL the newlings!

    :heart: you guys!
  • ElenaM4
    ElenaM4 Posts: 22
    Hello all, I'm very glad to have found this post. I have about 150 lbs to lose. I've lost (and regained plus) 40 lbs twice a year since my last child was born and I would like to lose it and find help to keep it off. It's tougher every time. I need to learn manage high-stress times to stay focused on my health.
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    MOwMOw - I set up a daily routine also when I was laid off about 2 years ago. The activity that helped me the most was volunteering. I would volunteer 3 4 afternoons a week - leaving mornings and nights free. I still volunteer to this day with the same group.

    Weighing - I guess I am clueless to the signals my body sends me. Thus, I need to weigh more frequently. Yes, I used to step on the scale daily but I was able to go every other day and now I weigh about every 3 to 4 days. I am too analytical - I need to see the facts - LOL. I can correlate it back to how EYE OPENNING it was to me to see the nutritional pie charts of carbs, fats and protein on MFP. When I first started, I was POSITIVE I was eating a heavy protein diet. Well, let me share that protein was the lowest!!!! I could not believe it. For me, knowledge is power.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    One good thing about weighing several days a week, if your weight goes up, to me its an indication that I'm holding water, which means I"m needing to DRINK more water to flush out the sodium and other bad stuff from my body.

    I was up today by 2 lbs and although I didn't notice it yesterday I hardly drank any water at all - so today I'm pushing it. I've been to the hospital to see my friend Jeff and he is doing amazingly well. He has already walked from his room to the nurses station and will move from ICU to a regular room today perhaps -the docs are stunned with his champion-like attitude and gung-ho spirit. Of course, this guy had cancer and beat it as a child, he's known tough before! The docs are even saying he might be doing so well they will possibly send him home 3 days earlier than planned!.

    Tonight:: Wine with a girllfriend. Yumm. After I get my squats done - going to try a heavier weight today. They were almost too easy the other day!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Friday Fitness - I will walk and extend the length of the walk. I will do my free weights routine. I am looking for a recumbent bike to use on rainy days.

    Hubby is working this weekend out of town and I am lonely. Joining my daughter for dinner but have hardly no calories left. Going to look up Sangria and may just have a glass of Sangria or wine. I'm not hungry and have work to do. Had brunch and made what I thought was a reasonable choice but it was not.

    MELISSA. It's tempting, especially when you know you are doing good, but a watched pot
    never boils.

    Bernice& Elena . Welcome aboard. I never thought about investing in being heavy,but it is a fact.

    MyMowMow - I have missed you and my thoughts are with you. Sounds like you have a plan. Activity is the best cure for depression or grief. I have a feeling that things will work out for you

    Sirtext - I know what you mean about the charts. Had brunch today and thought I had made a good choice but it came to 1000 calories, not a good choice and leaves little for later in the day

    Robin, So happy Jeff is doing well. He is lucky to have a friend like you. Wine sounds good. Grandkids are coming over Sunday and we are going hang out. Hearing you say you were going to do your squats motivated me to drag our my hand weights and do a routine. Didnt sleep last night, so no gym and too cool to swim, but will walk and add a little to the walk. I was trying to talk myself out of it.

  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the thread, been reading off and on from afar. How do you all keep up with each other? haha!

    Anyway, I'm Carla aka Pie, I'm well on my way to goal but things have slowed down considerably for me this year. I think having the support of the amazing people in this thread will be a nice addition to my plan :)

    Accepting new friends but please add a message where you found me and keep logging in every day! (I drop non-active peeps pretty quickly)

    My NSV for the day's Five Guys night. Little burger, only veggies for toppings and splitting fries...and I will be within in goal for the day. My snacking is under control for the past few days, it feels good.

    ETA Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating? ---Zumba! 3 x a week plus some walking. The weather has been amazing, so walking tonight for sure! Zumba in the AM. Not planning on any dining out over the weekend, will be cooking at home, this keeps me on track.
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all, I'm very glad to have found this post. I have about 150 lbs to lose. I've lost (and regained plus) 40 lbs twice a year since my last child was born and I would like to lose it and find help to keep it off. It's tougher every time. I need to learn manage high-stress times to stay focused on my health.
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, Elena!
    You came to the right place!
    People are very nice here as well as encouraging. Support is crucial . . .
    Keep coming back!
  • moosemilk
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this thread but I look forward to joining in. I'm a diabetic who needs to lose about 100 lbs. Have a terrible motivation problem. Any advice
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Just thought I would let you all know what I learned today. It ended up getting pretty warm this afternoon so my son and I decided to go to the lake and I had the bright idea to try to swim across with the help of the wake board for my side/shoulder. Well we got about halfway and it was getting later so I decided we should turn around and did you know.......wait for it....... lakes have currents. I did NOT know this. It was alot more work to get back to shore. Still had a great time with son though and got an eight hundred calorie burn out of it so alls well that ends well. Have a great night everyone. :heart: :heart:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    HERE!!! (soft thud followed by rolling sounds)
    Any one who would like fresh green beans, tomatoes, peppers (sweet and hot), or cucumbers can help themselves!!! I would usually have zucchini and okra at this point but the rain killed them!!! I really wish it was that easy to share all this produce!

    So, tonight is going to be spent snapping and shelling beans (picked about a 5 gal. bucket). Tomorrow may be salsa. The cucumbers (about 25 of these) are too big for pickles so they will be eaten fresh or maybe made into refrigerator pickles..... all this on the weekend my son gets to come visit!!! He will think it is just like the old days when he was a kid!!!