

  • The machine. The ellipticals and treadmills at the gym where I am ask your age and weight when you begin. They also have metal handles that measure your heart rate. MFP seems to over-estimate how much I burn... or maybe I'm just not working hard enough?
  • I have pretty bad RA, in both my arms/hands and legs/feet. I was actually diagnosed with JRA about 25 years ago when I was a toddler. I've tried lots of different things, but the two I keep coming back to are swimming and elliptical machines. The impact from steps, bicycles, treadmills, and so forth is too much and because…
  • > 1. How do you bake without using baking soda and baking powder? I am not able to get low sodium versions. You can get away with using a bit less if you really whip a lot of air into the dough/batter. Your mileage may vary. > 2. What is the best natural substitute for sugar in baking recipes (not splenda or any…
  • I too have a huge problem with emotional eating. I am trying to keep my hands busy and do activities not conductive to eating, like playing an instrument, video games, playing with the cat, and cleaning.
  • I'm a fan of Ma Po Tufu :) Shrimp/seafood dishes and things off the vegetarian side of the menu are a good place to start looking for 'lesser evils' Whatever you order, here are two tips: 1. Use chopsticks. If you aren't food with them, this will slow down your eating so you can enjoy it more. Even if you are good with…
  • Oh my! That is horrible. I can't imagine the emotional pain you've been living with. Welcome to MFP. Everyone here is always so encouraging. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi. I have eosinophilic esophagitis. I can't eat gluten or egg either! I have an actual allergy as opposed to intolerance. For grains, I really like gluten free oats. I don't use a lot of the specialty gluten-free products because they're quite expensive, though I do have a bag of gluten-free flour for thickening things…
  • I've been gluten free for 2 years now, since a diagnosis of an esophageal disorder. (which has caused me to be egg-free as well). I still miss bread sometimes (gluten free bread isn't worth the calories), but I've eaten so many new things, it's ok.
  • Do you like Japanese food? Silken tofu is great in miso soup. You can buy a miso soup mix, or use this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Miso-Soup/Detail.aspx . There are a lot of Japanese recipes that are along the lines of chilled tofu + sauce. On a more general note, you can also bake firm tofu. I often first…
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