

  • little late to the August goals but I've been trying to get out more and get my power walks in now that the temps are more workout friendly :) I'd love to also get past my plateau and get to 155. Which is a 2.6lb loss from here on out.
  • it really is so crazy how weight can fluctuate ! My rule is three consistent days at one weight before I really say it happened :laugh: I'm @ 157.6
  • Welcome! Christmas seems like a really feasible timeline for your goal :) good luck! hope we can all motivate each other
    in hi I'm new! Comment by b4wed August 2014
  • I will join in on the daily weigh in's for sure today 158.6 : up 0.6 and can feel it (higher sodium intake yesterday).
  • thanks everyone! I will try to stay as connected as possible. I don't have quick access to the boards via my app so I get a little forgetful about this aspect of MFP, but I do have access to my diaries so get at me if I'm slacking! :)
    in Newbie :) Comment by b4wed August 2014