tessmca Member


  • I love puddings so its cheese cake, equal parts cream cheese and cream beaten, with 1/2 tsp of monfruit sweetener, till thick I added in pureed strawberries the other day yumm
  • I had a look, the calories left over are they earned? Other than that it looks good, I presume the set calories are appropriate for your activity level. Iv been doing it for about 4 weeks and after the initial weight loss it slowed but I can see changed in my body composition that are not reflected in the scales. I have…
  • What helped with my flushes was.. stopped all alcohol and started taking evening primrose. When I finished those I was taking fish oils and lots of protein as I was doing a body building contest, noticed that I had no problems then either, don't forget fats help hormones
  • cut the cardio to one session a week if you really love it, eat the same as you are now and lift weights, you wont be under nourished, but will get to see what muscle you have. If you find you need more food go for protein first. Then once you see what you have consider bulking. You say you find it hard to loose weight so…
  • What a great site, thank you :happy:
  • If you belong to a gym go and talk to one of the trainers and get them to do you up a lifting program that takes into consideration your neck problems, as my trainer said ' you need to develop muscle to fill the skin" For me this is working after loosing 25kgs
  • What were these like? Were they rubbery? With the baking I have tried they tended to come out a bit hard or rubbery
  • I have made similar with dates, cococa butter and powder protein powder they were lovely
  • Hi, I am only following the challenge as I live outside the USA. I must say the information they provide is invaluable. I lost 20kg in the last year but thought I was too thin, so started lifting weights, but found information very vague for females. I love that everything is clearly set out. I only have 2kg to loose but…
    in Welcome! Comment by tessmca January 2014
  • here are two good articles seems to depend on your goals and nutrition http://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/choosing-cardio-pre-post-workout http://www.360cut.com/store/pg/32-Individual-Cardio-Requirements-in-Contest-Prep-by-Shelby-Starnes.aspx#
  • Your progress will tell you soon enough depends on what you are eating for the cheat day. I found it better to have a cheat meal, still have it Monday is my bun day lol Its an iced chelsa bun thick with icing, I LOVE it and look forward to it. Found when I had cheat days I ate too much or would drink too much alcohol…
  • Im trying to work that out for myself at the moment, From what I have read a female can only put on.12 to.25 pounds a week of muscle but and it takes excess of 350 calories a day to grow 1 pound of muscle. so its only a small increase in calories per day. As I want to do it as a 'clean' bulk ie not add fat as I am hoping…
  • Ashley Horner a professional fitness model has stretch marks and so do two other ladies I follow on Facebook (Brooke Erickson and Tiarna Mitchell Fitness Professional) who do competition body building They are so inspiring, fit as, great bodies and attitudes
  • Im about 5 foot 8, in the last year I have gone from 90 to 67.8 kg a size 16-18 to a 10-12 (New Zealand Sizes),lost the weight through diet and HIT cardio 20 minute sessions 4x a week with 30-40minutes on a sunday. Now I feel I look to thin so I am now lifting weights to fill out a bit. (Read instructions but couldn't work…
  • I am happy to be added. I lost 20kg last year and find this app great. Looking at doing my first figure contest this may but struggling with tennis elbow at the moment. Haven't logged over Christmas, weighing myself tomorrow and will back into it now to loose 2 kg and then maintain and grow muscle :-)
  • I reset my weight (starting) and goals that changed the calories for me to be higher than 1200 but enough to lose weight, just means I lost the progress from profile that said I had lost 20kg
  • I buy Quest Bars to for after the gym, AI have just half and a small banana, that keeps me going till I can get to tea. Look at the back and keep any eye on the amount of sugar I, keep anything I eat to under 10g per serve of sugar. At the moment I am making my own Protein cookies and muffins. Found a protein muffin…
  • I stick to low carb veges Mushrooms broccoli, cumber, lettuce, peppers, strawberrys mainly have salads with meat for tea, and salads with protein for lunch as well http://www.carbohydrate-counter.org/
  • It NHS from Australia and I get it through Punch Supplements, here is the link that shows all their products they have for NHS http://www.punchsupplements.co.nz/search?searchquery=nhs+protein&searchbutton=Search&searchthumb=default
  • Here in NZ I found a protein powder that has no added flavour or artificial colours, it tastes a bit like milk powder, so isn't that great on cereal, but its nice to be able to make up my own flavours without that after taste. I have added coffee to make a on the go cold coffee drink, used it in making a protein cake, and…
  • Hi They look good. I use 1 egg white, 12-25g rolled oates (depends on days carb content but less and they are lighter in texture 1 scoop of protein powder water to the right consistancy (about 1/4 cup) but I add in half then more if neeed. I add it slowly unitl it starts blending see next step. I put all in small jug and…