mabelton62 Member


  • Completed W9D3 this morning, so happy and surprised myself that at 50 years old I managed to complete the whole program and now I can run for 30 minutes straight, just a few short weeks ago I struggled to do the 1.5 minutes of jogging, Now moving on to the 5k to 10k program, need to increase speed and distance and have…
  • W5D3 done!! and I managed to run an extra 1.5 minutes as I didn't hear the trainer on my app tell me to walk. So amazed that I managed it -not a great pace or distance - plus the app appears to have played up in that it logged my walk and run distances and rates incorrectly (eg said I walked 1.7km at a rate of 5.01km per…
  • W5D1 done! after dreading the commencement of week 5 Im glad that its underway and I was able to fairly comfortably complete the 5min runs for Day 1. Bring on the challenge of the 8 min runs on Friday!.....then that dreaded 20 min run. Still its all a great challenge and considering 5 weeks ago I would never have thought I…