Daily Check In Thread



  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    Completed W5D1 last night. I tried to find a slow pace that I felt I could run a long distance at and it seemed to work. After all three 5 minute sessions I felt like I could go more, and each session was about equal distances. The first two was .40 miles in 5 minutes and the third was .41 miles in 5 minutes - I saw this as a good sign that I didn't get slower as I got further along and actually had a slightly better distance on round 3. I am not sure if that makes sense, but I felt good about it.

    I am looking forward to trying the 8 minute sessions of W5D2 next.
  • salemat
    salemat Posts: 17 Member
    Finished week 8, day 1.... I wouldn't say that I was enjoying it till the end, but it's definitly awsome once you've finished :bigsmile:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 done. My lower legs hurt a bit more than normal, but I think I was going too fast at some points. Did 0.8 miles in both ten minute runs, the last one was about half uphill. Got back to my house before the cooldown was done, so I was walkiing across the street and down to double back. My next door neighbor was waiting by her car and chuckling. We get along well so it's all good and I threatened to hug her skinny *kitten* with my sweaty body. She's impressed because she knows she's not capable of doing it.

    This means the interval days are done. Wow. I seriously didn't expect to make it this far, but I have and I'm liking it.
  • 215jenn
    215jenn Posts: 110 Member
    Week 3 day 1 was yesterday. TOUGH! I got through each of the components but I felt wiped by the end of it. Looking forward to day 2, hoping it feels better than day 1.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Woot! Just finished Week 9, Day 1! Even in this heat I did not struggle. I slowed my pace and just kept putting one foot in front of the other. It felt great! I WILL finish this.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Woke up with the start of a nasty chest cold but got out and did Week 7, Day 1 anyway.

    Most uncomfortable run so far as I was fighting feeling nauseous and a little tightness in my chest, but it wasn't painful, so I pushed through it. Tackling a hill right in the last few minutes probably wasn't the smartest idea though!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    Late to the game since I just discovered the message board.

    Just finished week 4 today and have been feeling pretty good so far. Not going to get over-confident since I have looked at the next couple of weeks and know that it gets a little tougher going forward.

    If you need Nike+ friends, feel free to add me Mike_Rose46
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Late to the game since I just discovered the message board.

    Just finished week 4 today and have been feeling pretty good so far. Not going to get over-confident since I have looked at the next couple of weeks and know that it gets a little tougher going forward.

    If you need Nike+ friends, feel free to add me Mike_Rose46
    Personally (and from what I've heard from people that have finished the program), I think it gets tougher but also easier after week 4. It gets tougher in that you're going to end up running a couple miles without walking intervals, but it gets easier in that your body can handle the longer periods so once you get past the first couple minutes of a long run, you're in a groove and good to go (provided you're at a good pace for you).
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Exactly. After Week 4/5 it stays the same amount hard - you are capable of doing more with the same amount of effort.
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for the insight. I seem to have the right mix of music on my I-pod when I run so it keeps me going. But, more importantly, I go into each run with the mindset that I am not going to let anything defeat me and I will get a better time or distance than the previous one. The Nike+ app really allows me to measure my progress but I guess being an accountant I like to see numbers to find the trend and if I am making any improvement.
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    W6 D1 done.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Got through Week 4 Day 1 this morning! :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey everyone....

    Good job to everyone who is still going strong!

    This past weekend was a mix of work, a 7 mile long run, and my first meeting with the running club I joined. It was nice to meet new people. My husband was kind of bored. I dragged him a long even though running isn't his thing. I think from now on I will just keep it a thing to myself, especially now that I have met new people. This coming week will be busy. I am moving into a new house that my husband and I rented, then on the 1st is the Women's Running Expo (can wait to get the freebies and all the clearance stuff) and then my running workshop begins every Monday.

    If you haven't yet, I highly suggest everyone looking into joining their city's running club. It is a good network for physical theropists (and if you keep up with running long enough, eventually you will need one), running groups, up-coming runs, and so much more!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the insight. I seem to have the right mix of music on my I-pod when I run so it keeps me going. But, more importantly, I go into each run with the mindset that I am not going to let anything defeat me and I will get a better time or distance than the previous one. The Nike+ app really allows me to measure my progress but I guess being an accountant I like to see numbers to find the trend and if I am making any improvement.

    I use the Active C25K app and I'm obsessed with the data. I like to see my walk pace, walk distance, run pace & run distance. I love to compare how I did on W7D1 vs. W7D2 vs. W7D3. I even like to look at the map that shows me the route I took...even though I just ran it so I know the route. :smile:
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    I should be on week 7. Just been diagnosed with pneumonia and sooo poorly. Dreading starting again. Feel a complete failure. I pushed through the chest infection to do week 6. So fed up
  • mabelton62
    mabelton62 Posts: 3 Member
    W5D1 done! after dreading the commencement of week 5 Im glad that its underway and I was able to fairly comfortably complete the 5min runs for Day 1. Bring on the challenge of the 8 min runs on Friday!.....then that dreaded 20 min run. Still its all a great challenge and considering 5 weeks ago I would never have thought I would be able to run as much as I can now. Im in Queensland in Australia and whilst it seems most of you are suffering with heat and humidity we are in the midst of winter which makes it very hard to get up at 5am in the morning to run before work.

    Heading towards my first 5k at the end of August and as a new runner at 50 years old I reckon its pretty good going and I am loving the C25 k program. :-)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Ran today! Week 7 Days 1&2 were fine and then day 3 (which is exactly the same) I've done twice without completing. Attack of the summer cold :( I started getting dizzy and nauseated about half way through, but ended up getting in about 20 minutes of running.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I should be on week 7. Just been diagnosed with pneumonia and sooo poorly. Dreading starting again. Feel a complete failure. I pushed through the chest infection to do week 6. So fed up

    I am repeating a few days, too. It's hard when you have momentum and a plan and then some obstacle pops up. Feel better!
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    I tried w7d2 last night and failed for the first time since week 4.

    I think the pasta and wine with dinner, and the fact it was still 90 degrees out at 9:30 pm last night, did me in. I broke down and checked the app knowing I wasn't done yet but hoping the time left would motivate me to push through. However the app had stopped. So I took that as an excuse (sign?) to stop and walk the rest of the way. I am pretty sure I still had about 5 mins left to run.

    I am hoping it was just an off day, and will go in tomorrow knowing I can finish. I just hope the heat breaks just a little here.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W5D1 done! after dreading the commencement of week 5 Im glad that its underway and I was able to fairly comfortably complete the 5min runs for Day 1. Bring on the challenge of the 8 min runs on Friday!.....then that dreaded 20 min run. Still its all a great challenge and considering 5 weeks ago I would never have thought I would be able to run as much as I can now. Im in Queensland in Australia and whilst it seems most of you are suffering with heat and humidity we are in the midst of winter which makes it very hard to get up at 5am in the morning to run before work.

    Heading towards my first 5k at the end of August and as a new runner at 50 years old I reckon its pretty good going and I am loving the C25 k program. :-)

    Great job!

    I'm also a new runner and I'm hoping to run my first 5K before my 50th birthday in December.