

  • P90X rocks! I too have not lost much weight but have gained strength and have seen my body start to transform. Keep it up! [img][/img]
  • Just make last nights meal your "cheat" meal for the week. :) No worries really!!! My suggestion is if you can, start your morning with a walk or light jog (20-30 min). Give your metabolism a jump start to burning calories all day long. This will help you get something of a workout in, but ideally you will want to make…
  • Although I am not new to trying to stay fit, I am new to MFP! I really like the tools that it provides to help assist in attaining my weightloss goal! It is very exciting! Yesterday was my first day and I am happy to say that I completed my food diary entries and workout entries. I am really committed to my weightloss…
    in Aloha! Comment by LizSaa January 2011