

  • If I'm not being too personal, what kind of treatment regimen are you on for the hypothyroidism? Does it present itself in fatigue or just overall malaise? If I am being to personal, please feel free to tell me to mind my own biz, ok?
  • If I'm not being too personal, what kind of treatment regimen are you on for the hypothyroidism? Does it present itself in fatigue or just overall malaise? If I am being to personal, please feel free to tell me to mind my own biz, ok?
  • What you're doing, within the limits of the injury you've experienced, looks pretty good! Only real changes I can see would be on your Bowflex routine, put the shoulder pullovers in front of the arm work. This will prestress the bicep/triceps before you work them, giving you a bit more work and results. Beyond that, I'm…
  • Yeah, I know...super size me! I've gone from a 34" waist 5 years ago to a (measured last night) 41" waist...AAAAUUUGGGGHHHHHH :explode: Now, I'm pissed off (at myself), focussed, and ready to rock. I'm looking to drop about 15# of fat and get back to the muscle. Hope everyone is doing alright! Eric