

  • OK, I'm gonna try this-- how do I find this group next time I log in?? Start wt:197 Current wt: 187 Month goal: 177 Goal wt: 147
  • You are right, we have everything we need if we don't try to do it all in our own strength... why can I not remember this...?
  • Awesome quote from Von Goethe, thank you!
  • Is it too late to get in on this support group? I've done the plyo about 2 wks ago, and am gonna force myself to get to the basement as soon as my husband is done with his P90X workout (he's been faithful for 2.5 wks!).... I know I need all the support I can get. How do I find you all again ? I am not real clear on how…
  • Hi - mamamitch here -- I am 52, and not sure how much of what I write goes out to whom-- just trying this message board to see if it is safe-ish, since I'm not too technologically advanced. Would love to lose 40-50lbs as soon as possible, as my beautiful 17 yr old is graduating in May and I don't want to look bad...