peteloafer Member


  • astonishing achievement - well done *applause*
  • always make it the same way but jazz it up by what I add after cooking 1 x cup of rolled oats 3 x cups water half tsp salt bring to boil and simmer for 5 mins add a little cold milk (skimmed usually) and any of.... cinnamon, sultanas, dried or fresh banana, dried apple, honey, syrup, jam
  • hi guys I hvae just been diagnosed prediabetic with a further check in 3 months around March 2012. I was already here on MFP to try and lose weight so now I have another good reason. Keep in touch and add me as a friend please - might be good if we stick together regards Pete
  • I'm no expert but what works for me is... If I really must eat something I get a cup of green tea and a rice cake with marmite or margarine or a few dried apricots (if any in the cupboard) Fills the "must-eat" gap and minimal calorie damage good luck Pete :-)
  • hi if you're tlaking about tinned soups the word to avoid is "cream" In the Heinz range Vegetable, Minestrone and Scotch Broth are all nutritious tasty and lower calories than the "Cream of" ones. Good luck Pete
  • not right - probably about 0.2g of fibre in that portion
    in lettuce Comment by peteloafer April 2011
  • slow release carbs do it for me and I exercise around 6am especially banana and 2 slices of toast - incidentally I usually eat (light) lunch around 11am to 11.30 and that keeps me going till evening meal
  • been using Wii Fit Plus for a month now doing fairly gentle stuff mostly yoga and some stretching and/or jogging. Will progress onto more demanding exercises as I get used to it. We also use Wii Sports Resort for fun though not as useful in fitness terms. We also have Donkey Kong Country which is terrific fun. Pete xx
  • I'd recommend the Wii console and Wii Fit software - very intuitive and tailored to individual - great value when weather is not fine or warm enough
  • sorry to be pedantic but most men DO NOT LIKE skinny women "skinny" conjures up ribs showing through hollow cheeks and thin gangly arms and legs - NO WAY On the contrary though men do not like FAT women either. If I know anything about men (and have been one for some time) they prefer a female to be iN PROPORTION this may…
  • I think blokes are meant to measure waist an inch below belly button but I would go along with earlier advice and check it every couple of weeks with trousers that are tight etc.
  • oarmeal is the raw ingredient that is used to make porridge as well as other stuff like oatcakes and flapjack. Oatmeal can be coarse or more finely ground as is usual in porridge. Ready Brek is just a proprietary name for a type of porridge which is easy to prepare. BTW oatmeal is a great thing to have in your diet.
  • unfortunately the best thing to "line" your stomach in preparation for booze is fat - so chips would be very good if you had oven ones maybe? Otherwise porridge as mentioned earlier would be good as it is milky and plenty of carbs. Don't forget to drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks in between if you can - I know it…
  • hot drinks like Bovril or Oxo work for me or if I need to nibble I try and make it an apple or dried apricots good luck
  • hi ... Swindon here but from Preston originally good luck Pete
  • good luck Katie - you'll get plenty of support hereabouts Pete
    in HELLO Comment by peteloafer January 2011
  • well done mate if you're losing at that rate you are doing something right. Incidentally I'm over 17 st also and trying to get back to 15st something but am keen to cycle again and wondered what bikes might be suitable (and safe) for big guys. Any recommendations would be appreciated. good luck Pete
  • thanks for your reply Pete
  • good luck Sheila You'll find plenty of support and motivation on this site Pete
  • yes I know the feeling - incidentally I am also on Day 3 When I get bored or stressed at work I need to eat something as I guess these are the times when years ago I would have reached for a cig - feeling never goes. Anyway enough of that moping - what I find helps me is to have a big bag of fruit like apples or dried…
  • good luck Sheila I'm only on Day 2 but its getting easier Pete
  • my sentiments entirely good luck Pete :smile: