Adding May 3,4, and 5. Finished my last training run. 5K is Friday and 1/2 marathon Saturday. Hoping to beat my previous time of 3:30.
on my way!
I am shooting for 100!
Fargo, ND
For me I stay motivated by seeing the little accomplishments. Eating healthy all day. Getting my workout in. Being able to do more in a workout, like 15 pushups to 50. Or more weight on squats. I have lost almost 40 pounds. What got me going in the first place was not wanting to see 260 pounds on the scale. So I did…
I can always use another diet buddy. Hi. I am Martha and I currently have lost 22 , gained lots of muscle by using strength training. My biggest struggles are time and a slightly unsupportive husband. I have 2 kids (7 & 2 1/2), work full time at a hospital and I completed my first 1/2 marathon in May. :-) Martha