sharonglantz Member


  • I weigh 165 and intend to be 145 by the end of the year.havent been my goal weight in 20 years.looking forward to seeing it again.
  • want to do this but don't know how to copy and paste.its so embarrassing
  • how do I join the Christmas challenge
  • passover was here.i thought id keep track of my food and stay on track.well,i didnt.i ate til i couldnt breathe.why.i wish i friend also on fitness pal also didnt do great on passover.we both ate too much.the thing i feel good about is,the next day i got back on track with my food and exercise.its a way of life and…
  • Hi Im Sharon.Today was day 1 on my fitness friend lost 20 pounds on it and she looks great.I have gotton out of control with my eating.I have been the yo yo dieter all of my life.I am the emotional eater.I eat happy,sad,bored,depressed,and its also the number one to out with your is one…