Zeugird Member


  • I saw a couple people say Kashi so I guess I will give it a try. Thanks for the advice.
  • Hello! Welcome back! I know the feeling, a couple years ago I weighed in at my heaviest at 200 lbs. I was able to lose 45 lbs on my own, I was running, eating right, you name it! I was able to keep the weight off for 3 years but I "fell off the wagon" and gained 22 lbs back, which I have to say was very disappointing but I…
  • I am 5'3, goal is 135 which, for my weight is the heaviest healthy weight. Adding you. :)
  • Hello Claire! I'm new here... I am Leticia. I recently gained about 20 lbs of the 40 I lost. I had one of those emotional guy related deals and turned to food. I want to get healthy again. Begin running daily as I used to.. :) Good luck on your journey!
    in New here! Comment by Zeugird March 2013
  • Hello there! You are doing something about your weight which is already a step in the right direction. :) At my heaviest I was 200 lbs. At 5'3, you can imagine.... one day I got tired of looking at the mirror and not liking what I saw... I began doing portions. Ate everything and anything but portions. Got to 155 lightest.…
    in Newbie :) Comment by Zeugird March 2013