Psychgrrl Member


  • I agree it makes sense, though. Ethics are often considered to begin where the law stops. And we have very different laws from country to country. Not better or worse, just different.
  • And there have been plenty of people on social media saying they are not getting vaccinated and are not wearing a mask now because "no one will know." There's a cabin in the woods waiting for you, buddy!
  • If it was just my coworkers, I wouldn't be concerned. But I have a very public facing job. And I would like to see some really solid data on vaccinated people not being able to pass on the virus to the unvaccinated. I saw first hand the spread from asymptomatic people, even when they were following masking requirements.…
  • Newsom said today California will not sync up with the CDC masking updates until June 15th.
  • Sorry about the new lock down. :( My friend in Da Nang (Vietnam) said they just went back into another one and it is expected to go on for months. Here are some links about the protection after the firs dose.*…
  • It sounds like you're off to a sound start! Everyone hits plateaus and rough patches. The important thing is to not give up--you've made such fantastic progress so far! What are your "Net" calories at the end of the day? (What you eat minus your exercise.) It sounds like you might be under-eating a little for three hours…
  • I don't think it's a Versa 3 issue, I think it's an issue with your Versa 3. I have the sense and love it, upgraded from a Versa 2.
  • Here's your incentive: Rowan University offers $1000 to students to get COVID vaccine;*
  • Yeah, I didn't take it as a bribe or incentive to get a vaccine because ... it's a donut, but more of a "thank you" after.
  • Thought this was interesting: Why the world’s most vaccinated country is seeing an unprecedented spike in coronavirus cases." The Seychelles used a combo of the Chinese vaccine by Sinopharm and India's produced AZ vaccine.* To be honest, this…
  • Gale, I'm truly sorry you've been having such potentially serious difficulties. Hope you're truly on the mend now. <3
  • I was just adding another point to the conversation after the last post. I didn’t mean for you to feel it was in response to you specifically.
  • It’s not necessarily about hassle or culture, but what families can afford. Single parent and/or low income homes rely on the school breakfast and lunch programs to provide needed nutrition for children. Many programs are subsidized for families based on income. In Los Angles, continuing these meals when the schools closed…
  • All too often, it seems like Keto (low carb, high fat) seems to be the default doctors recommendation without much consultation with the patient. Keto can definitely work for weight loss, but it is a very specific way of eating that is not for everyone. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’d ask why your doctor put you on this particular diet. If…
  • Not everyone used it. And even our student employees were eligible (for half the leave as they are limited to 20 hours a week); and some haven't used theirs, either. And the need was extraordinary with quarantine/isolation being a full two weeks for most of the pandemic. Even with the additional leave, I have employees who…
  • Why we need better leave, and why everyone should have sick leave. I was really proud of our system--the UC gave everyone 128 hours of paid COVID leave that could be used for quarantine/isolation, to care for others, to help kids with online school. And they gave an additional 80 hours a couple months ago. I haven't used…
  • For some of us, being able to work from home has helped stem the risk to others. For some, like me, not having to get up, make myself "office ready," drive to work, and actually go in, has led to me pushing through and working form home when I should have been resting.
  • Here, too (California), that you must wear a mask outdoors if you cannot maintain at least six feet of physical distancing, so this is different for us. And, as others have pointed out, there's no way to know who hasn't been vaccinated. It was campus policy (University of California) long before the state announced it as…
  • The elliptical-at-your-desk thing, if you’re sitting while doing it, won’t give you much extra burn because of the lack of body weight. It’s why people leaning on the handrails on cardio machines (particularity the stair machine) don’t get as much burn for the buck—“resting” on the handrails makes the load lighter and…
  • It’s just heartbreaking to me. From the WaPo: “Patients are on Their Own as India Reels.”
  • I posted about the situation in India because I felt terrible. Just like NY and Italy last spring. And many countries/states between then and now. Things were awful in Southern California (where I live) December-February. But I never doubted we'd see our way out of it, as we could find the resources even when we were…
  • It’s a sign of a problem behavior, not a hallmark of addiction. There is likely a psychological driver (or two) behind your (seemingly) binge eating. Addictive behaviors impact most facets of a person’s life. The addiction is the most important and only thing. It is all-consuming. Eating so much food and not leaving enough…
  • I was, too. Until my mom's assisted living home had a bad flu outbreak about five years ago. They stopped letting people visit without being vaccinated. And then work required it this year. And they brought the clinic to campus. Made it even more convenient. But with COVID, i think my motivation was a little different this…
  • I was vaccinated on company time, too. But my work arranged for the vaccination, so that made sense. Our campus is offering transportation to students who cannot afford to get to the vaccination sites on their own. While the vaccination is free, the Uber ride there and back (twice) isn't. And most of our students don't…
  • The US had one day, back in December, where we reported a little over 400,000 new cases. The US had lots of other bad days where cases spiked into the 200,000s from December-February. This wave in India seems even more devastating than what we faced here. Over 300,000 daily. NYT said that represents a fraction of the…
  • I think they e been treating their employees in an exemplary way. Many businesses have not. Kroger is closing two heavily used stores in Long Beach because of the newly signed “hero pay” law. They posted over at 8% profit for 2020 and had a “strong first quarter” in 2021 according to their press release, but say they…
  • Not sure where you are, but there are lots of free or “small donation” flu shot clinics in the US. I didn’t realize people would need a 20% off coupon for a flu shot.