

  • 10,648+ 13 10,661
  • I like this site: http://www.veggie101.com/p/recipe-index.html. A lot of it is for people interested in really DIY-ing, as in, making your own seitan. Just a note: it's kind of a recipe aggregator, where the blogger finds recipes all over, then tries herself and discusses the results. There is always a link down the bottom…
  • I use the shredder in my food processor. I have found that rinsing the potatoes after shredding to get the extra starch off makes them crispier with less oil. So, I pop the shreds in a bowl, cover them with water, and then pour the water off through a fine sieve right before cooking. That way they don't get gummy when I…
    in Hashbrowns Comment by jcs225 April 2013
  • Right there with you, used to drink a few a day. I finally figured out that I don't actually like the flavor. Drink a flat Coke, it's nasty. I actually like the fizz. So I switched to flavored seltzer and every now and then a diet soda (maybe 3 a week). Also, squeezing a lemon or lime into a seltzer makes you feel like…
    in I love Coke Comment by jcs225 April 2013
  • I always use Annie's brand, which I think tastes better. The recipe on the box is for using only milk, no butter. When I make it, I do 1/2 Tbl butter, 1/4 cup low% milk. Sometimes I bake it with a little panko and a handful of grated cheese on top. It satisfies my craving for restaurant mac n cheese without being THAT bad.…
  • I don't live in Ohio anymore but I'm from Centerville! I did go to OSU though :)
  • Awesome! I use a veggie peeler to slice my potatoes when I make chips-- they always turn out exactly the right thickness. Just one of those dollar-store, plastic-handle ones. "Peel" off a chip at a time, although you may need to cut larger potatoes in half. Although I always used this trick when frying in oil. I thought…