

  • As far as hydration, etc. it is fine for you. There is some evidence that carbonation can leach bones of calcium, so just be sure to take a mutil-vitamin and calcium supplement.
  • Pulling your bellybutton in not only makes your midsection seem smaller at the time, but by doing it you are raining your transverse abs at the same time (the deep muscles that attach to the spine) so you are "teaching" your abs to be pulled in while improving your core strength. If you can do this (along with squeezing…
  • As long as you don't have a fever you can do very light cardio and strength until your congestion reduces. It is better to take it easy for a day or two than stay ill and have negative effects for a longer period of time. Your body can't recover from exercise and fight a bug at the same time...
  • you can do isometric work and just keep thinking about pulling your abs in the whole time you're working to get extra core work.
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