

  • Hope your enjoying the beach. I weighed in on Saturday and it's a good thing since I can't stand on the scale right now. Saturday was 229.2 only down .7 :( *** For anyone who reads this, I'm looking for suggestions for exercises. I fractured my ankle over the weekend and I'm not allowed to run or walk long distances for 8…
  • Thanks, Jen! It's definitely a tough journey and I never imagined it would go this far. I love hearing about others with similar issues who have children because it renews my hope! Gook luck, I'm sure you can do it!
  • Welcome! Sounds like there are quite a few of us around here. I was diagnosed w/ PCOS when I was 18. Instead of doing something about it then, I just let it go and kept living my life. In Jan 2010, my husband and I decided to start TTC. I had tried diets and weight loss in the past but never got below 246. In Jan 2010 I…
  • Morning Lise - I remembered to weigh in this morning! CW is 229.9. With everything going on the past month I still managed to get back to where I was :)
  • Okay, so I'll let you know Monday if I'm in or not. If I am this will give me a good reason to get back on track.
  • Thanks Lise Love you too!
  • Thanks guys! Shopping was more exciting then seeing the number on the scale go down!
  • I'm so jealous! I love cruising!! Unfortunately I've never been to any of those islands but I hope you have a great time! And I've only ever been on Royal Carribean. I've only been on a few but my parents are veterns (they just booked #18) and have tried Royal Carribean, Carnival & Norweigen. They prefer RCCL which is why…
  • Not sure what plan you found but I like the Couch to 5k plan (C25k). Its a great way to go from a non-runner to a runner. I'll admit that I stretch out the weeks if I don't feel I'm ready to move on to the next week!
  • Oh, and if you are looking for a "diet plan" to follow, my RE suggested using a Low Glycemic Index diet (one they advise diabetics to use). You can google it to get an idea of what it involves. For now I'm just working on the lower carb diet because it's easier.
    in PCOS Comment by Steph1628 April 2011
  • Hello. I am one of the unlucky ones who has PCOS. I was diagnosed with it about 10 years ago when I was 18. My entire life has been a constant struggle with my weight and once I was diagnosed w/ PCOS I didn't do anything to change it. About 1 1/2 yrs ago my husband and I started trying to have children. This is kinda what…
    in PCOS Comment by Steph1628 April 2011
  • I have taken hCG shots for other reasons and can tell you that if they are not medically necessary, I wouldn't want them. They are pretty painful compared to others I've taken.