100 Pounds to lose & PCOS

Hi everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to check in as I've got a long road ahead of me. I've been struggling with PCOS, infertility, and my weight (along with other things) for a loooong time. I've neglected my body and mind over the years, but I'm finally on track. I would love to hear from others who have struggled with their weight and PCOS who are finally making the lifestyle changes required to improve their health and quality of life. Thanks for letting me check in and be a part of this community!


  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Welcome and good luck :happy: , feel free to add me I still have 80lbs to lose :frown:
  • willdo23
    willdo23 Posts: 4 Member
    :smile: I am in the same boat....but 2 kids....I finally realize I better to take care of myselfl....
    I have 2 kids and both with be in school come fall.....so I can have "me" time....extra gym etc.....
    I like planning....so so far MFP has been great for doing my food....:
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    PCOS sucks but it's not a life sentence. I know with myself that I let my PCOS be a crutch and an excuse for so many years. Before I had my son, I lost 50lbs on weight watchers. Over the years it has crept back up. I'm again working on losing the weight. Taking it off slowly - trying to eat healthy. Clean Eating is what works best for me. When I follow that program I lose so much weight and feel so good. The IR diet or PCOS diet is another good one too. Good Luck - you can do it. Feel free to add me. :)
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    Good luck! I'm ending my second week and love it so far :)
  • Hi!

    Welcome, feel free to add me i have 98lbs to lose and have only started this week! so i am going to need all the motivation i can get from people. It's funny how one day you wake up and realise what you have done to yourself. After years of yo yo dieting i decided enough is enough i'm into my 30s now and i really need to start looking after myself. My boyfriend and i are looking to maybe start a family in the next few years and i really dont think my body could take it!

    So we'll di it together all of us... smash the fat barrier down!

    Anyone wanting to share advice, experiences, motivativation please feel free to add me

    Good luck on your journey
  • Hi Dreambigjen,
    I'm with you girl...I started in July and also wanted to lose 100lbs current about 20 lbs down...so 80lbs to go. Much success in you efforts.:wink:
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck on your journey to a healthier you :) feel free to add me... I too struggled with infertility, and I'm happy to say I have 2 great kids.
  • Welcome! Sounds like there are quite a few of us around here.

    I was diagnosed w/ PCOS when I was 18. Instead of doing something about it then, I just let it go and kept living my life. In Jan 2010, my husband and I decided to start TTC. I had tried diets and weight loss in the past but never got below 246. In Jan 2010 I was at my all time high of 286.

    I had a pretty rude awakening when after 9 months of TTC nothing was happening. We started seeing an RE in Sept 2010 and that's when I started getting serious about losing weight. I lost about 15 lbs between then and Jan 2011 when I found MFP. Since I've been here, I've lost another 45 lbs. Its amazing what you can do when you really have to do it. Unfortunately, we're still dealing with infertility and are having IVF #2 next month (we've tried 4 IUIs and 1 IVF so far).

    Feel free to add me, I'm trying to get back on track and log in every day again (the stress of the last IVF kept me away for about 2 months). I still have another 50 lbs to lose until I get to my initial goal, then we'll see how much more I have to lose after that!
  • dusk1977, willdo23, wozzy38, strawberryshortb - Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

    mara232 - I think you are so right! I play the victim a lot of times with this PCOS thing. I'm attempting to follow the Clean Eating principals as well! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. This is the only way of eating that makes sense to me. But, I know that everyone is different. I never imagined that I would actually LIKE eating fruit, cottage cheese, veges, almond butter, hummus... I am the junk food queen! But, for once in my life I'm taking it slowly and making permanent changes.

    lorjill - Thanks so much! After seven years of trying to carry a pregnancy to term, I now have three rambunctious little girls!

    Steph1628 - I would love to keep up with what is going on in your journey! Your story is VERY similar to mine. Diagnosed at 18, went on BCP. Married in 1996 and started TTC in 1997, I think. Fertility treatments and IUI, but never did make it to IVF. I would get pregnant (while NOT doing fertility treatments), but would miscarry... four times. FINALLY, I had my perfect little one in 2003. Then, apparently I became "fertile myrtle" and got pregnant when she 7 months only after stopping breastfeeding. Then, surprise, here came #3 five years later! Try not to forget yourself in your quest for a little one! I speak from experience. Take care of yourself (emotionally and physically) so you can be the best mother when your little one gets here!

    mebrowngirlgetfit - 20 pounds already! That is awesome! I'm gonna keep my eye on you!
  • Thanks, Jen! It's definitely a tough journey and I never imagined it would go this far. I love hearing about others with similar issues who have children because it renews my hope! Gook luck, I'm sure you can do it!
  • Hi Jen, I'm 26 and I was diagnosed with PCOS several years ago. Prior to that, I never struggled with my weight, but months before my wedding it started piling on. Perfect timing, wouldn't you say? Now I'm just trying to find ways to lose the weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Everyday is a struggle, but I'm hopeful that it will get easier.
  • Hello all! I can certainly relate to the struggle when it comes to losing weight. I've been at it for over two years now, after open heart surgery to replace a defective valve and have just reached the 100 pound mark. Jen hit the nail on the head when she talked about getting her mind right... that's the key. If your mind is not right it's an up and down roller coaster. That's how it was for me anyway. If the mind is right it turns out the the body will follow. A book that helped me a lot was The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Helped the mind issues in a big way.


  • onefatellaphant - PCOS is such a mystery, isn't it!? It seems like every case is a bit different. The part I hate is that you don't know WHY it's happening! It seems a mystery! A "syndrome!" I just know that I've had horrible eating habits for my entire life. And, now that I have not been exercising, it has compounded things. I remember being about 40 pounds overweight and thinking that it was hopeless. I thought I would never be able to lose 40 pounds! And now, here I am... 100 pounds overweight. It's crazy! It took me being 100 pounds overweight to finally realize that I CAN make the changes necessary to live a healthy life. It always seemed impossible before. Now, it seems totally possible. Lots of therapy to make it to this! Haha!

    rexharris - Congratulations on 100 POUNDS LOST! Oh, how I yearn for the day when I can say that! I love how you put it... "If the mind is right it turns out the body will follow." So true! I might have to put that on my profile page! :-) Seriously though, I have been through so much emotional crap in my life. I won't bore you with details, but the past year and half of seeing a therapist has really helped me make the changes to my "stinkin thinkin." I'll have to check out that book. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Hey everyone! I just started MFP and found this thread lurking/getting familiar with the site. Hubby and I have been TTC for about four months now (we tried a few years ago but life "happened" and we had to stop) but no baby. I know, it hasn't been that long but I have recently come to the realization that I need to nip this weight issue in the bud before a doctor tells me to do it. I have about 120 pounds to lose and although it seems like an insurmountable task, deep down I know I can do it. We all can (and some of you HAVE)!