

  • Thanks! I guess I actually need to figure this out for myself. I was hoping someone could just give me a magic number lol.
  • Yep, I set it at 1lb per week
  • Please add me! I'm looking for diaries to basically copy ;)
  • juliekins64- Seriously! And I see pictures and hear stories of women being like "oh I weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant!" Gahh! However, it is super motivating to hear that other women are like me and that the weight will come off after I wean my daughter. Like you, I lost a bunch right after I gave birth,…
  • Thanks for your reply! I'm pretty sure my TDEE doesn't include any extra calories for breastfeeding. I don't know how to add that in, but essentially I'm burning about 300 calories per day with the amount I breastfeed now. I switched my weight loss goal to 1lb per week and it bumped up my calorie goal to 1860. Wouldn't it…