yayasma Member


  • I no longer drink shakes after my workouts. I will eat a lean protein and a complex carb within 45 minutes of workout. Light tuna packed in water with Triscuit crackers Turkey or chicken breast (not lunch meat) with 1/2 an apple If my workouts are closer to dinner I make sure that dinner includes 20 - 30 grams of protein…
  • I spend anywhere from 15 - 60 minutes in the gym depends on what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, and what other activities I have going on for the day. 15 minutes is not too short of a time in the gym, depends on what your goal is. I can get to muscle fatigue and burn more calories in a 15 minute workout than in a 45 minute…
  • Yes, I get this quite often from coworkers. Some are "concerned" and don't want me to lose any more weight. I'm in the healthy range for BMI and could actually lose 10 more pounds and still be in the healthy zone. It is very frustrating. I haven't snapped on anyone, yet. I calmly explain to them that I'm eating healthy and…
  • I've heard about Bonge's Tavern from a few coworkers and have yet to make it there. I have to set this as a goal to visit in 2013 being that it has come up again. Naggie13 - try some green shakes. Since you make them with veggies and fruits its very lo-cal. The fiber content will help you feel fuller longer. You can also…
  • I check my weight every morning, its a habit I picked up from my husband. I do my weight check-in every Monday morning. I don't do my measurements very often because I managed to lose 2 measuring ribbons. I update my measurements when I get a body composition from the trainers at the gym.
  • Skinny jeans and boot-cut are my favorite. I also wear jeggings from time to time. For the summer I wear pedal-pushers. I can't pull-off capri's because I'm 5 ft tall and they just look like pants that are flooding.
  • I guess I'm a wimp. I don't run outside until its 70+. The hotter the better. I give up running from late October to May. I admire people who run outside when there's snow on the ground and it's below freezing, that is true dedication.
  • I workout at my company Fitness Center, Sallie Mae. I also go to LA Fitness - Fishers, Lawrence, and Glendale. I live not to far from the Washington St area. Maybe once it gets warm we can have some outdoor workouts together. I prefer to get my runs (cardio) outside, treadmills are a torture device for me.