Melaella Member


  • Hiya Marg, I have been following a high protein diet plan the last couple weeks and the basis of it and what I have read up on google etc is that having protein with every meal / snacks is good as it increases your metabolism which in turn helps you lose weight. It also keeps you feeling fuller for longer! Not usre if this…
    in PROTEIN Comment by Melaella July 2013
  • Massive congratulations! Well done, thats a truely suberb achievement. Such an amazing difference, you really do look like a new man!
  • HI Carla, I am in the same boat! Lost all my motivation a few weeks ago, easy to blame being up with the kids through the night and busy at work, but I think they were just that - excuses for me not being a$$ed to get off the sofa. Tried going out for runs and that but would then come back and eat chocolate! Have now…