

  • I'll walk with you. I started a few days ago but only just saw your thread.... I started off at 291lbs then had a gastric bypass to lose the excess weight and my diabetes. However the last couple of months i've sat back on my butt and waited for weight to shift whilst picking up a bad habit of 'have it' (food). I've now…
  • Hello and welcome, i'm on day two lol... Seems like a fab site with plenty to keep you occupied and stop you wanting to eat as you are way to busy typing and reading... Good luck with the diet n exercise. I'm loving the food tracker, just wondering how many calories i would have logged in my previous bad eating lifetime xxx
  • Hi, i joined a couple of days ago. Very similar story to your own. June 10 this year i had RNY gastric bypass in the UK. For the last couple of months nothing has happened apart from gain a few lbs, lose a few lbs. I never thought i'd need to look for a site like this after wls but here i am, alongside your good self. Good…
  • I've just joined :) MFP suggested i do 1200 calories and i've replaced two of my meals today with a slimfast shake. However once the tub is empty i intend to incorporate food. I think personally that 1200 calories is not a lot (but then i drank the best part of 600 cals for my breakfast and lunch) and i hope by using this…
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